
Revision as of 11:34, 31 May 2017 by PointCRC (talk | contribs) (Relics)

Revision as of 11:34, 31 May 2017 by PointCRC (talk | contribs) (Relics)


Equipment Types

Default stats are determined by item type, e.g. Weapons will always have Damage. These are different than primary or other stats.


Weapons are hero-specific gear.

Primary Stat: Hero Power (Damage)


Armor has four different types, each having their own equipment slot.

Primary Stat: Hero Physical/Magical Resist


Relics come in four different forms. Each Relic has its own Primary Stat. The four relics and their primary stat are:

Totems (Defense Health) - Increased HP of your tower/aura
Medallions (Defense Power) - Increased base damage of your tower/aura
Marks (Defense Crit) - Increased critical hit damage of your tower/aura
Orbs (Defense Speed) - Increased attack rate of your tower/aura

All four gain additional stats and slots based on drop rarity. They come with 1 to 3 additional tower stats and 0 to 3 shard sockets.

Each Relic slot in the hero equipment page corresponds to the tower/aura on the hero hotkey bar. As an example for the Squire:

1st relic slot affects the Barricade.
2nd relic slot affects the Cannonball Tower.
3rd relic slot affects the Ballista.
4th relic slot affects the Training Dummy.

Relic Shards

Name Effect Upgr. levels Shard Pack Valid for
Hero Weapon Shield Helmet Chest Gloves Boots Relic
Defensive Critical Damage Increases the Defense Crit Damage of the affected tower by 2-34%. 16 Campaign ALL CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Fortification Increases Defense Health of the affected tower by 2-34%. 16 Campaign ALL CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Crumbling Stone Enemies petrified by Maw of the Earth Drake receive 2-22% more damage and explode on death for 10-250% Defense Power magical damage. 20 Chaos 1 Lavamancer icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Destruction Increases Defense Power of the affected tower by 2-34%. 16 Chaos 1 ALL CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Electric Fingers Skeletal Orcs have 3-30% chance on hit to deal an additional 40-400% of their Defense Health as storm damage. Bounces 3 times. 18 Chaos 1 AbyssLord icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Empowered Flame Flamethrower tower has a 1-15% chance to hit the target again for 20-180% damage. 20 Chaos 1 Apprentice icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Laser Boost Picking up Mega Death Laser increases EV2's movements speed by 50-350 and Hero Damage by 4-40% for 15 seconds. 20 Chaos 1 SeriesEV2 icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Rippling Explosions Enemies that die inside the boost aura have a 5-25% chance to detonate, dealing 20-80% of the Boost aura's Tower Damage stat as damage in a small area around the enemy. 20 Chaos 1 Monk icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Stun Fire Cannonball Tower has a 2-17% chance on hit to stun target for 1-2.4 seconds. 14 Chaos 1 Squire icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Atomic Capacity This shard gives your Atomic Launcher an additional missile when the shard is upgraded to 4/8 and then another at 8/8. 8 Chaos 2 SeriesEV2 icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Berserk Master Increases the duration of Direct Command on your Skeletal Orcs by 1-5 seconds. 8 Chaos 2 AbyssLord icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Blazing Phoenix A Phoenix emerges from the flames of a Blaze Balloon after a short delay, dealing 150-550% of the tower's damage stat as damage. 20 Chaos 2 Huntress icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Combined Power Enemies affected by both Serpent's Coil and Sand Viper receive 25-385% Defense Power as magical damage each second. 18 Chaos 2 Mystic icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Defensive Critical Strike Increases the Defense Crit Chance of the affected tower by an additional 2-15%. 12 Chaos 2 ALL CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Encroaching Flames Flame aura has a 5-25% chance to deal 4-40% more damage. 12 Chaos 2 Monk icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Frosty Duet Reduce Frost towers range to 60-35%. When fully upgraded this shard allows the frost tower to slow an additional target. 10 Chaos 2 Apprentice icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Magma Maelstrom Rate at which Fissures of Embermount generate Molten Power reduced by 4-40%. 12 Chaos 2 Lavamancer icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Panic Fire When the affected tower takes damage, it has a 5-15% chance to increase it's Attack Rate by 50% for 1-4 seconds. Does not work with Auras and Traps. 10 Chaos 2 ALL CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Power Bolts Ballista has a 4-40% chance on hit to deal 5-50% extra magical damage. 15 Chaos 2 Squire icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Press Your Luck When the affected tower takes damage, it has a 5-15% chance to increase it's Critical Hit Chance by 30% for 1-4 seconds. Does not work with Auras and Traps. 10 Chaos 2 ALL CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
World Tree Mcbufferson Every 20 seconds, the world tree places a leafy shield on a blockade within its influence that absorbs 10-210% of the Dryad's Defense Health stat and lasts 10 seconds. 20 Chaos 2 Dryad icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Boosted Grasp Enemies move at 90-60% speed when they are within the Boost Aura. 10 Chaos 3 Monk icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Deadly Strikes Increases the Defense Range of the affected tower by 4-40%. 12 Chaos 3 ALL CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Drenched After your Geyser Trap drenches an enemy, the next source of damages deals an additional 3-35% damage. 16 Chaos 3 Huntress icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Empowered Bolts Ballista has a 5-30% chance on hit to deal full damage to all targets pierced for the next 10-40 seconds. 10 Chaos 3 Squire icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Empowered Frostbite Frostbite has a 5-45% to freeze the target for 1-7 seconds. 20 Chaos 3 Apprentice icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Empowering Blasphemy Obelisk Hero Stat boost increased to 10-50% and polymorph duration increased by 1-6 seconds. 10 Chaos 3 Mystic icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Numerous Reflection Increases the nodes of EV2’s Reflect Beam can sustain by 1-6. 5 Chaos 3 SeriesEV2 icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Oil Spill Gives oil geyser a 5-25% chance to stun all enemies hit for 2s 10 Chaos 3 Lavamancer icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Rain Of Oil Skeletal Archer's Direct Command now oils enemies, slowing them by 50% for 2-12 seconds. If an oiled enemy is hit by fire damage, the oil ignites, dealing 20-600% of its Defense Power in fire damage over 1-11 seconds. 20 Chaos 3 AbyssLord icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Shielding Guard When the affected tower takes damage, it has a 5-25% chance to gain a shield for 50-250% of it's Defense Health for 5 seconds. Does not work with Auras or Traps. 20 Chaos 3 ALL CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Defense Rate Increases the Attack Rate of the affected tower by 1-33% 12 Chaos 4 ALL CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Earth Toss Earthshatter tower has an 4-30% chance to launch enemies into the air. 18 Chaos 4 Apprentice icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Empowering Flames Flame Aura increases the damage of heroes standing inside it by 5-25%. 20 Chaos 4 Monk icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Explosive Surprise Geyser Trap has a 5-65% chance to fire an exploding shard dealing 50-650% Defense Power damage in an area. 20 Chaos 4 Huntress icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Lateral Blast Volcano attacks spawn three random meteors that drop nearby, each dealing 125% Defense Power as magical Fire damage. 20 Chaos 4 Lavamancer icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Power Transfer Increases the Defense Crit Damage of the affected tower by 4-60% of its Defense Power. 14 Chaos 7 ALL CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Puncturing Bolts Ballista can now pierce an additional 1-4 targets. 6 Chaos 4 Squire icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Sandstorm Warrior The Snaking Sands sandstorm increases Hero Damge and Ability Power by 101-125% for 1-25 seconds. 12 Chaos 4 Mystic icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Boosted Blockade Boost Aura increases blockade health by 2-20%. 12 Chaos 5 Monk icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Cthulu’s Influence While under the effects of corruption, Angry Nimbus has a 3-27% chance to charm enemies for 1-7 seconds. 12 Chaos 5 Dryad icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Explosive Arrows Skeletal Archers have a 15-x% chance on hit to fire an explosive arrow dealing an additional 110-x% of their Defense Power in damage. 20 Chaos 5 AbyssLord icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Explosive Guard When the affected tower takes damage, it has 3-35% chance to trigger an explosion and deal 125-500% of its Defense Heath as damage to nearby enemies. Does not work with Auras or Traps. Does not destroy the tower. 18 Chaos 5 ALL CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Explosive Poison If an enemy poisoned by the Poison Dart Tower is killed , it detonates dealing 10%-150% of the tower’s damage stat as damage in a small area around the enemy. 20 Chaos 5 Huntress icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Fire For Effect Your explosive Trap has a 5-25% chance to detonate twice without consuming an additional charge. 20 Chaos 5 Huntress icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Frosty Beams 5% chance for Proton Node to freeze all enemies it touches for 1-5 seconds. 20 Chaos 5 SeriesEV2 icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Frosty Bind Frostbite slow strength increased by 1-10%. 12 Chaos 5 Apprentice icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Heavy Cannonball Cannonball tower has a 5-25% chance to spawn a heavy cannonball that pierces up to 1-10 target(s) stunning them for 1-4 second and dealing 120-400% of the Cannonball tower's damage. 20 Chaos 5 Squire icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Split Vipers Sand Viper May Target up to 0-2 additional enemies, but no longer ramps up damage. 10 Chaos 5 Mystic icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Vampiric Empowerment Increases the Defense Power of the affected tower by 4-60% of its Defense Health. 14 Chaos 5 ALL CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Volcanic Shock Volcano has a 2-20% chance to stun all enemies hit for 1-7s. 12 Chaos 5 Lavamancer icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Boosted Power Increases the power of the Boost Aura by 2-20%. 18 Chaos 6 Monk icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Colossal Fissure Your Colossus' Direct Command now rips the earth unleashing a fissure that lingers and deals 50-2050% of your Ability Power in damage over 6 seconds, but increases the mana cost of Direct Command by 30-70%. Usable once every 60 seconds. 20 Chaos 6 AbyssLord icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Enhanced Poison Modifies the poison proc rate of the Poison Dart Tower's poison by 1-25%. 12 Chaos 6 Huntress icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Flaming Death EV2’s mega death laser sets enemies it hits on fire dealing 50-2,050% of EV2’s Ability Power stat as damage over 10 seconds. 20 Chaos 6 SeriesEV2 icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Frosty Power Frostbite tower passes 10-50% of its Defense Power stat to defenses within its frost aura. 20 Chaos 6 Apprentice icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Mark Targets This defence has a 5-45% chance to place an Apprentice Mark on its target. 20 Chaos 6 Apprentice icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Megarock Volcano launches a huge rock dealing 150-1150% Defense Power damage once every 10 volleys. 20 Chaos 6 Lavamancer icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Serpent God’s Protection Tower's and Blockades near the Obelisk take -1% damage. 9 Chaos 6 Mystic icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Sharpened Spikes Blockade has a 2-30% chance to stun enemies hit for 1-4 seconds. 14 Chaos 6 ALL CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Health Pylon Increases the Defense Health of nearby defenses to 102-130%. Note: Requires a Blockade but this shard does not buff the Blockade that equips this shard. 20 Chaos 6 ALL CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Manufacturer’s Overcharge Weapon Manufacturer charges 4-40% faster. 12 Chaos 7 SeriesEV2 icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Node Increase EV2 can create 1-4 extra node(s) in any single Weapon Manufacturer chain. 6 Chaos 7 SeriesEV2 icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Obelisk Shield Obelisk Shield absorption increased to 10-70%. 15 Chaos 7 Mystic icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Oily Entrapment Increases Oil Geyser slow rate by 3-15%. 12 Chaos 7 Lavamancer icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Power Pylon Increases the Defense Power of nearby defenses to 102-120%. Note: Requires a Blockade but this shard does not buff the Blockade that equips this shard. 18 Chaos 7 ALL CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png
Splody Harpoon Ballista projictiles have a 10-30% chance to detonate on each target hit dealing 150-350% of the Ballista's defence power stat as extra damage in small area. 20 Chaos 7 Squire icon trans.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png


Each item has a few numbers which demonstrate what level it is at. These values, along with prefix quality, determines the value of its stats and its sell value.

Item Power

The raw potential result of the specific item (iPWR)s.

Required Level

Determines the effective Level of the item. When used in rooms with a max level lower than the required level, the item is down leveled to that room, reducing its stats.

Upgrade Level

The amount of times an item can be upgraded at the Upgrade Station. Each time an item is leveled up, the player is given a point to add to one of the items stats


An Item's Prefix defines its stats, gg based on its type and quality, split into two key words.


An Item's Passive offers one or two special stats, mentioned at the end of the item.

Unique Items

Certain unique items exist for each of the four starter classes. They are 100% guaranteed from the Victory Chest unless otherwise stated. The drop locations are as follows:

  • Siphon Site D: Huntress Harbinger Bow (Defense)
  • Dragonfall Sewers: Monk Harbinger Polearm (Defense)
  • Forgotten Ruins: Squire Harbinger Sword (Hero)
  • The Ramparts: Monk Harbinger Polearm (Hero)
  • Ramparts Siege: Huntress Harbinger Bow (Hero)
  • Liferoot Forest: Apprentice Harbinger Staff (Hero)
  • The Wyvern Den : All Betsy Weapons (100% for one weapon when Betsy is slain)
  • The Dead Road: Squire Harbinger Sword (Defense)
  • Temple of the Necrotic: Apprentice Harbinger Staff (Defense)

(Spooky Weapons also drop here. You must perform the Spooky Secret to summon the Skeletal versions of the 4 Heroes and then slay them. The weapons are not guaranteed to drop and can only be obtained from the Skeletal Heroes themselves and not the Victory Chest)

  • Harbinger’s Warship: Squire Harbinger Shield
  • Nimbus Reach: Storm Boots
  • Greystone Plaza: Storm Chest
  • Assault on Throne Room: Storm Gloves
  • Buried Bastille: Storm Helm
  • Wyvern Enthusiasts Incursion: Huntress Phantom Phoenix Bow
  • Griblok’s Horde Incursion: Squire Impaling Cutter Sword
  • Chrome Enemies Incursion: Huntress Toxic Shock Bow
  • Forest Poachers Incursion: Apprentice Chilling Touch Staff
  • Unholy Catacombs Incursion: Squire Sword of Unholy Fire
  • Kobold Bling King Incursion: Huntress Bling O’ Midas Bow
  • Bastille Master Incursion: Apprentice Ghastly Halberd Staff
  • Power Surge Incursion: Monk Glaive of the Storms Polearm
  • Malthius Incursion: Monk Infernal Combustor Polearm

(Chance to get either Apprentice Armageddon Staff, Squire Scarlet Enforcer Sword or Huntress Armored Cleanser Bow from Malthius in addition to the Victory Chest drop)

  • Maldonis Incursion: Wailing Glaive, Raven Staff, Pumpkinator, Howling Reaver (100% for one weapon directly from Maldonis when slain)

(Maldonis is the only way to get the 710-750 ipwr Spooky Weapons in Nm4. You can also obtain the Spooky Weapons from slaying the Skeletal Heroes that spawn.

  • Dawn of the Bloodmoon Incursion: All Spooky Weaponry

(Skeletal versions of the 4 heroes will occasionally spawn and slaying them has a chance to drop the Spooky Weaponry. You can also obtain Soul of Night here from the Victory Chest to buy the Terraria weapons.

(This map drops Soul of Night which can also be used to purchase Terraria Weaponry.

  • The Demon’s Lair Incursion: Abyss Lord Molten Tome

ipower 750 Items

The following items have a chance to drop at 700 - 750 ilevel on the specified maps on Nightmare IV difficulty. The Prefixes will be random.

  • Helm: Bastille Master Incursion
  • Chest: Unholy Catacombs Incursion
  • Boots: Power Surge Incursion
  • Gloves: Kobold Bling King Incursion
  • Medallion: The Demon's Lair Incursion
  • Ring: Altar of the Althame Incursion