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Primary Attack: A Melee Physical Slash Attack dealing damage.
Secondary Attack: A Ranged Magical Projectile Attack dealing damage.
Usable Weapons: Polearms
Lore: As a student of martial arts, the Monk thrives in combat, commanding the ebb and flow of the battlefield. He supports his allies with radiant auras of Chi energy that boost the potency of defenses, electrocutes careless enemies, and heals fellow heroes. No hero deck is complete without his wisdom.
Hero Damage Scalar: 0.35
Hero Health Scalar: 1.2
Base Damage Reduction: 0%


Monk pole smash.png Pole Smash: The Monk slams his weapon into the ground, dealing Crushing Physical Damage to nearby enemies and knocking them into the air.
Monk chi blast.png Chi Blast: The Monk sends forth a gust of Chi energy in a piercing line, dealing Magical Damage and knocking enemies backwards.
Monk heroic wave.png Heroic Wave: The Monk emits a wave of stabilizing energy that Heals all nearby Heroes and increases their Hero Power for a time.
Heal.png Heal Self: The hero channels healing energy, regenerating a portion of their Health each second. The channel is broken if the hero moves or takes damage.