Magma Mage

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Magma Mage


Cosmetic Type Costume
Accessories 10 in total
Rarity Mythical Icon.png Mythical
Price Gem Icon.png 800
Availability Available
Hero Apprentice

Time to heat things up a little.

The Magma Mage is a Mythical costume for the Apprentice. The first in-line to the throne of fiery firey costumes. It's purchasable for 800 gems from the Seamstress or in the cosmetic interface.

His head is an exploding volcano. That is already enough to make him King.


Changeable - Head Pieces

Accessories Rarity Flavor Text In-Game
Dormant Magma Cap Icon.png

Dormant Magma Cap

Mythical Icon.png Mythical This thing is getting ready to BLOW! Example
Fissuring Ember Cap Icon.png

Fissuring Ember Cap

Mythical Icon.png Mythical Is it warm in here, or is it just me? Example
Flowing Lava Cap Icon.png

Flowing Lava Cap

Mythical Icon.png Mythical SO HOT! Example

Changeable - Cape Pieces

Accessories Rarity Flavor Text In-Game
Harderned Lava Scarf Icon.png

Hardened Lava Scarf

Mythical Icon.png Mythical A volcano scarf that hasn't been recently dipped in magma. Example
Fissuring Scarf Icon.png

Fissuring Scarf

Mythical Icon.png Mythical Okay, it's a little hot. No big deal! Example
Cracked Lava Scarf Icon.png

Cracked Lave Scarf

Mythical Icon.png Mythical MY SCARF IS BURNING! Example
Flowing Lava Scarf Icon.png

Flowing Lava Scarf

Mythical Icon.png Mythical It's a scarf made of lava. Example

Changeable - Torso Pieces

Accessories Rarity Flavor Text In-Game
Fire Mage's Robe Icon.png

Fire Mage's Robe

Mythical Icon.png Mythical Despite the name, the Apprentice knows no fire magic. Example
Elemental Master's Robe Icon.png

Elemental Master's Robe

Mythical Icon.png Mythical The student is now the master. Example


Accessories Rarity Piece Flavor Text
Fire Mage's Knickers Icon.png

Fire Mage's Knickers

Epic Icon.png Epic Leg Great for walking on just about anything. Even lava.

Notes & Trivia

  • This costume has unique animations for healing, death and victory.
  • While the spawn animation is the exact same with the Standard Garb, a burst of sparks can be seen with the animation as an additional VFX.
  • The wallpaper depicts the Magma Mage wielding the Staff of Foresight Icon.png Staff of Foresight, a mythical Magic Staff. Which can be pretty odd... as why would a fire wizard be wielding a tool of the Ancient Guardians? Thematically speaking, of course. The combo still looks pretty dope though.



  • [Early Access] 6.0 : Introduced