Marauder Apprentice

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Marauder Apprentice
Cosmetic Type Costume
Accessories 4 in total
Rarity Mythical Icon.png Mythical
Price Gem Icon.png 800
Availability Available
Hero Apprentice

A magician of the sands.


Accessories Rarity Piece Flavor Text
Arcane Turban.png

Arcane Turban

Mythical Icon.png Mythical Head Made so that a cool head can always pervail.
Striped Sirwal.png

Striped Sirwal

Mythical Icon.png Mythical Legs Fashionable even in the hottest of deserts.
Leather Lamellar.png

Leather Lamellar

Mythical Icon.png Mythical Torso Lightweight, breezy, and stylish.
Golden Smasher.png

Golden Smasher

Mythical Icon.png Mythical Arms Solid gold arm to do some smashing.


  • DD2 Splash Logo.png June 29th 2022 : Introduced.