Scarecrow Apprentice

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Scarecrow Apprentice
Cosmetic Type Costume
Accessories 10 in total
Rarity Powerful Icon.png Powerful
Price Gem Icon.png 800
Availability Available
Hero Apprentice

Let me tell you why your current skin isn't good enough.

The Scarecrow Apprentice is a powerful costume for the Apprentice. It's purchasable for 800 gems from the Seamstress or in the cosmetic interface.


Changeable - Head

Accessory Rarity Flavor Text In-Game
2. Crow's Mask.png

Crow's Mask

Mythical Icon.png Mythical You still have your ability to chat, even with your mouth shut.
3. Evil Straw Mask.png

Evil Straw Mask

Mythical Icon.png Mythical Somehow can store as much blue mana as the real head.
4. Dummy Mask.png

Dummy Mask

Mythical Icon.png Mythical Blind Headshots? No problem.
5. Smirking Pumpkin.png

Smirking Pumpkin

Mythical Icon.png Mythical 100% Organic Headwear.

Changeable - Torso

Accessory Rarity Flavor Text In-Game
6. Straw & Cloth Tatters.png

Straw & Cloth Tatters

Mythical Icon.png Mythical Held together by just a thread. A lot of it. Example
7. Limbs and Branches Body.png

Limbs & Branches Body

Mythical Icon.png Mythical The most limber of limbs!
8. Raven's Nest.png

Raven's Nest

Mythical Icon.png Mythical Has room for your pet. No, not your Gato! Example

Changeable - Legs

Accessory Rarity Flavor Text In-Game
9. Balancing Stilts.png

Balancing Stilts

Mythical Icon.png Mythical One step at a time, don't fall! Example
10. Patched up Pants.png

Patched up Pants

Mythical Icon.png Mythical It's impossible to match patches. It just doesn't happen!


Accessory Rarity Piece Flavor Text In-Game
1. Fitted Felt Hat.png

Fitted Felt Hat

Epic Icon.png Epic Hat Every Apprentice has his hat. Even built ones.

Notes & Trivia

  • This costume has unique animations for Spawning, Healing and On Death.
  • The Scarecrow is introduced to celebrate Thanksgiving in 2015.
  • At some point, this costume had a price reduction of 400 gems from the price of 1,200 gems resulting in the current price of 800 gems.




  • [Early Access] 8.5 : Introduced.