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59 bytes added, 19:22, 2 August 2022
Fixing capitalization errors and other mistakes in the lore description and updating the Primary & Secondary attack descriptions to be more descriptive.
|card = Barbarian_card.png
|icon = Chibi barb copy.png
|lore = Hailing from the mountains of of etheriaEtheria, the barbarian Barbarian is a notorious warrior king that can wield the power powers of wrath Wrath and fury Fury to crush his enemies. Becoming an unstoppable flurry of muscle and steel, the barbarian Barbarian can hurl himself into battle becoming a whirlwind of death. His foes tremble at the mighty shouts of this tremendous warrior leaping in to crush his enemies.
|Weapon1= Axes
|Weapon2= Swords
|Primary = Swings A Melee WeaponsPhysical Slash Attack dealing damage.|Secondary = Barbarian leaps in to through the air towards the selected area, dealing damage upon landing in targeted area.
WikiDefender, bureaucrat, administrator

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