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Dark Mage

4 bytes added, 19:30, 27 October 2022
When spawned, Dark Mages will slowly float towards the core, potentially attacking heroes and defenses that aggroes them. Their primary attack only consists of firing magic bolts that damages their targets. Aside from that, Dark Mages also possesses three different abilities, which are casted from one of three spellbooks floating by the Dark Mage. Its abilities consists of -
* '''Healing spell -''' When Whenever a Dark Mage or any nearby enemies are damaged, they will occasionally casts a heal spell that'll restore health to itself or any nearby enemies in a small radius. The amount of health restored is not much.
* '''Cursing spell -''' Whenever a Dark Mage targets a tower or blockade, alongside firing magic bolts, they will also occasionally cast a curse bolt that will debuff any tower/blockade the projectile hit, making the defense take 100% more damage for a short duration. Curse Bolts ''will'' pass through Reflect Beams.

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