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6,354 bytes removed, 20:26, 15 February 2023
Making use of new templates for the pet list - massively improves maintainability and readability in the back end
==List of Pets==
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Standard Gato''' </span>
[[File:Gato_Egg_iconGato Egg icon.png|right]][[File:Purrlin_icon.png|66px]] '''[[Purrlin]]''' - <span div style="colordisplay:#008000flex; flex-wrap: wrap;"> [[ {{Pet Info | File:Powerful_IconPurrlin icon.png | Purrlin |18px]] Powerful </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Cathatter_iconCathatter icon.png |66px]] '''[[CatHatter]]''' - <span style="color:#008000"> [[File:Powerful_Icon.png |18px]] Powerful </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Purrpeller_iconPurrpeller icon.png |66px]] '''[[Purrpeller]]''' - <span style="color:#008000"> [[File:Powerful_Icon.png |18px]] Powerful </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Furlin_iconFurlin icon.png |66px]] '''[[Furlin]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png |18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Mad_Catter_iconMad Catter icon.png |66px]] '''[[Mad Catter]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png |18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Propeller_Cat_iconPropeller Cat icon.png|66px]] '''[[Propeller Cat]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png|18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Magicat_iconMagicat icon.png |66px]] '''[[Magicat]]''' - <span style="color:#ff00ff"> [[File:Mythical_Icon.png |18px]] Mythical </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Top_Cat_iconTop Cat icon.png |66px]] '''[[Top Cat]]''' - <span style="color:#ff00ff"> [[File:Mythical_Icon.png |18px]] Mythical </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Kitty General_iconGeneral icon.png|66px]] '''[[Kitty General]]''' - <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary }}</spandiv>
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Premium Gato''' </span>
{||-{Special Pet Info|[[File:Katkarot_iconKatkarot icon.png|66px]]Katkarot||*'''[[Katkarot]]'''Any* Able to hatch in any rarity - Requires [[File:Gem_Icon.png|18px]] Costs 250 Gems* Special Ability: '''| Metsu Gatodouken''' or '''| Shinku Gatodouken'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info|[[File:Shinobi_Kitty_iconShinobi Kitty icon.png|66px]]|| *'''[[Shinobi Kitty]]'''* Able to hatch in any rarity - Requires [[File:Gem_Icon.png|18px]] Any| Costs 200 Gems * Special Ability: '''| Shuriken Fury'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info|[[File:Autumeow_iconAutumeow icon.png|66px]]Autumeow|| *'''[[Autumeow]]'''Any* Able to hatch in any rarity - Requires [[File:Gem_Icon.png|18px]] Costs 400Gems* Special Ability: '''| Cyclone'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info|[[File:G4- T0_iconT0 Icon.png|66px]]|| * '''[[G4-T0]]'''* Able to hatch in any rarity - Requires [[File:Gem_Icon.png|18px]] Any| Costs 600 Gems* Special Ability: '''| Radial Blast'''|}} |-| Creeper=
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Standard Creeper''' </span>
[[File:Creeper_Egg_iconCreeper Egg icon.png|right]][[File:Voodu_icon.png|66px]] '''[[Voodu]]''' - <span div style="colordisplay: flex; flex-wrap:#008000wrap;"> [[ {{Pet Info | File:Powerful_IconVoodu icon.png | Voodu |18px]] Powerful </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Flickerwick_iconFlickerwick icon.png |66px]] '''[[Flickerwick]]''' - <span style="color:#008000"> [[File:Powerful_Icon.png |18px]] Powerful </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Imphant_iconImphant icon.png |66px]] '''[[Imphant]]''' - <span style="color:#008000"> [[File:Powerful_Icon.png |18px]] Powerful </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Whodu_iconWhodu icon.png |66px]] '''[[Whodu]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png |18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Bitterwick_iconBitterwick icon.png |66px]] '''[[Bitterwick]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png |18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Imphamy_iconImphamy icon.png |66px]] '''[[Imphamy]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png |18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Yudu_iconYudu icon.png |66px]] '''[[Yudu]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png |18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Serving Servant_iconServant icon.png |66px]] '''[[Serving Servant]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png |18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Fairy_Creepermother_iconFairy Creepermother icon.png|66px]] '''[[Fairy Creepermother]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png|18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Imphernal_iconImphernal icon.png |66px]] '''[[Imphernal]]''' - <span style="color:#ff00ff"> [[File:Mythical_Icon.png |18px]] Mythical }}</span><br /div>
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Premium Creeper''' </span>
{|{Special Pet Info|-| [[File:Table_Flipper_iconTable Flipper icon.png|66px]]||*'''[[Table Flipper]]'''* Able to hatch in any rarity - Requires [[File:Gem_Icon.png|18px]] Any| Costs 250 Gems* Special Ability: '''| Table Flip'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Evilwick_iconEvilwick icon.png|66px]]Evilwick|| *'''[[Evilwick]]'''Any* Able to hatch in any rarity - Requires [[File:Gem_Icon.png|18px]] Costs 250 Gems* Special Ability: '''| Void Tendrils'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Headless_Horseman_iconHeadless Horseman icon.png|66px]]|| *'''[[Headless Horseman]]'''* Able to hatch in any rarity - Requires [[File:Gem_Icon.png|18px]] Any| Costs 400Gems* Special Ability: '''| Tormented Thoughts'''|}} |-|Dragon=
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Standard Dragon''' </span>
[[File:Dragon_Egg_iconDragon Egg icon.png|right]]<p>[[File:Serpentiny_icon.png|66px]] '''[[Serpentiny]]''' - <span div style="colordisplay: flex; flex-wrap:#008000wrap;"> [[ {{Pet Info | File:Powerful_IconSerpentiny icon.png | Serpentiny |18px]] Powerful </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Growld_iconGrowld icon.png |66px]] '''[[Growld]]''' - <span style="color:#008000"> [[File:Powerful_Icon.png |18px]] Powerful </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Serpentor_iconSerpentor icon.png |66px]] '''[[Serpentor]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png |18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Dragold_iconDragold icon.png |66px]] '''[[Dragold]]''' - <span style="color:#3366ff"> [[File:Epic_Icon.png |18px]] Epic </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Blinkee_iconBlinkee icon.png |66px]] '''[[Blinkee]]''' - <span style="color:#ff00ff"> [[File:Mythical_Icon.png |18px]] Mythical </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Green_Eyes_iconGreen Eyes icon.png |66px]] '''[[Green Eyes]]''' - <span style="color:#ff00ff"> [[File:Mythical_Icon.png |18px]] Mythical </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Brrragon_iconBrrragon icon.png |66px]] '''[[Brrragon]]''' - <span style="color:#ff00ff"> [[File:Mythical_Icon.png |18px]] Mythical </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Hoardagron_iconHoardagron icon.png |66px]] '''[[Hoardagron]]''' - <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Serpentagon_iconSerpentagon icon.png|66px]] '''[[Serpentagon]]''' - <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span><br />}}[[ {{Pet Info | File:Jadedragon.png |66px]] '''[[Jaderagon]]''' - <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary }}</span><br /div></p>|-| Region/Gamemode Specific=
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Maps and Gamemodes: Creeper''' </span>
[[File:Grumpy_icon.png|1px|right]]{||-{Special Pet Info| [[File:Jackalope_IconJackalope Icon.png|66px]]Jackalope|Any|*'''[[Jackalope]]'''* Able to hatch in any rarity - Chance to acquire from maps in The Wild West region, Chaos VIII onwards* Special Ability: '''| Jackalope's Curse'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Corrupted_Jackalope_IconCorrupted Jackalope Icon.png|66px]]|| *'''[[Corupted Jackalope]]'''* Able to hatch in any rarity - | Any| Chance to acquire from maps in The Wild West region, Chaos VIII onwards* Special Ability: '''| Jackalope's Curse'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Haunted_Ship_IconHaunted Ship Icon.png|66px]]|| *'''[[Haunted Ship]]'''* Able to hatch in any rarity - | Any| Chance to acquire from maps in The High Seas region, Chaos VIII onwards* Special Ability: '''| Tsunami'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Fenix_IconFenix Icon.png|66px]]Fenix|Any| *'''[[Fenix]]'''* Able to hatch in any rarity - Chance to acquire from Embermount Volcano, Chaos VIII onwards* Special Ability: '''| Bouncing Phoenix'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Genie_Prince_IconGenie Prince Icon.png|66px]]|| *'''[[Genie Prince]]'''* Able to hatch in any rarity - | Any| Chance to acquire from Tornado Highlands, Chaos VIII onwards* Special Ability: '''| Mana Swirl'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Corrupted_Genie_Prince_IconCorrupted Genie Prince Icon.png|66px]]|| *'''[[Corrupted Genie Prince]]'''* Able to hatch in any rarity - | Any| Chance to acquire from Tornado Highlands, Chaos VIII onwards* Special Ability: '''| Mana Swirl''' or '''| Magical Burst'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Kobold_King_Pet_IconKobold King Pet Icon.png|66px]]|| *'''[[Kobold King]]'''* Able to hatch in any rarity - | Any| Chance to acquire from Kobold Bling King Prime Incursions* Special Ability: '''| Sticky Bomb'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Kobold_Bling_King_Pet_IconKobold Bling King Pet Icon.png|66px]]|| *'''[[Kobold Bling King]]'''* Able to hatch in any rarity - | Any| Chance to acquire from Kobold Bling King Prime Incursions* Special Ability: '''| Sticky Bomb'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Voodoo_Apprentice_IconVoodoo Apprentice Icon.png|66px]]|| *'''[[Voodoo Apprentice]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | Chance to acquire from any Incursions in Prime VII regions* Special Ability: '''| Tornado'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Voodoo_Squire_IconVoodoo Squire Icon.png|66px]]|| *'''[[Voodoo Squire]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | Chance to acquire from any Incursions in Prime VII regions* Special Ability: '''| Sword Beam'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Voodoo_Huntress_IconVoodoo Huntress Icon.png|66px]]|| *'''[[Voodoo Huntress]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | Chance to acquire from any Incursions in Prime VII regions* Special Ability: '''| Hawk Strike'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Voodoo_Monk_IconVoodoo Monk Icon.png|66px]]|| *'''[[Voodoo Monk]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | Chance to acquire from any Incursions in Prime VII regions* Special Ability: '''| Chi Blast'''|}}
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Maps and Gamemodes: Dragon''' </span>
{||-{Special Pet Info| [[File:Lithicoatl2.png]]||*'''[[Lithicoatl]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | Chance to acquire from Onslaught* Able to roll only '''| Sparkle Party''', '''| Gato Fireworks''' or '''| Poisonous Tips''' as ablity|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Dino_IconDino Icon.png|66px]]Dino|Any| *'''[[Dino]]'''* Able to hatch in any rarity - Chance to acquire from Lost Dungeons region, Chaos VIII onwards* Special Ability: '''| Jurassic War Cry'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Crystal_Betsy_IconCrystal Betsy Icon.png|66px]]|| *'''[[Crystal Betsy]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | Chance to acquire from The Wyvern's Den Prime Incursion* Special Ability: '''| Lil Betsy Projectile'''|}} |-| Purchasable=
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Purchasable: Gato''' </span>
[[File:Grumpy_icon.png|1px|right]]{|{Special Pet Info|-| [[File:Reforged_ThunderReforged Thunder-O_IconO Icon.png|66px]]||*'''[[Reforged Thunder-O]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | 7,500 [[file:Defender Medal.png|14px]] Medals from the Colonel* Special Ability: '''| Thunderstorm'''|}}
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Purchasable: Creeper''' </span>
{||-{Special Pet Info| [[File:Unbound_Bearkira_IconUnbound Bearkira Icon.png|66px]]||*'''[[Unbound Bearkira]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | 7,500 [[file:Defender Medal.png|14px]] Medals from the Colonel* Special Ability: '''| Maelstrom'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Tainted Sword.png|66px]]||*'''[[Tainted Sword]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | 7,500 [[file:Defender Medal.png|14px]] Medals from the Colonel* Special Ability: '''| Fields of Swords'''|}}
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Purchasable: Dragon''' </span>
{||-{Special Pet Info| [[File:Itsy-Betsy_Fully_Evolved_IconBetsy Fully Evolved Icon.png|66px]]||*'''[[Itsy-Betsy]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | 10,000 [[file:Defender Medal.png|14px]] Medals from the Colonel* Special Ability: '''| Lil Betsy Projectile'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Blighted Dragon2.png]]||*'''[[Blighted Dragon]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | 7,500 [[file:Defender Medal.png|14px]] Medals from the Colonel* Special Ability: '''| Plague Claw'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Drago DM.png|66px]]||*'''[[Terror Dragolich]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | 7,500 [[file:Defender Medal.png|14px]] Medals from the Colonel* Special Ability: '''| Ghost Wail'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Left Narwhagon.png|66px]]||*'''[[Left Narwhagon]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | 7,500 [[file:Defender Medal.png|14px]] Medals from the Colonel* Special Ability: '''| Unified Defense'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Amber_Dino_IconAmber Dino Icon.png|66px]]||*'''[[Amber Dino]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | 7,500 [[file:Defender Medal.png|14px]] Medals from the Colonel* Special Ability: '''| Jurassic War Cry'''|}} |-| Events-Limited=
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Events-Limited: Gato''' </span>
[[File:Grumpy_icon.png|1px|right]]{||-{Special Pet Info| [[File:Thunder-0_icon0 icon.png|66px]]||*'''[[Thunder-O]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | Conquer Etheria Monthly Mission (2015)* Special Ability: '''| Maelstrom'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Purville2.png|66px]]||*'''[[Purville]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | Beat the Heat Summer Event (2017)|N/A}}
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Events-Limited: Creeper''' </span>
{|{Special Pet Info|-| [[File:Grumpy_IconGrumpy Icon.png|66px]]||*'''[[Grumpy]]'''* <span style="color:#ff00ff"> [[File:Mythical_Icon.png|18px]] Mythical </span> - | Wipegaddon (2015)|-N/A}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Alien_spectreAlien spectre.png|66px]]||*'''[[Alien Specter]]'''* <span style="color:#ff00ff"> [[File:Mythical_Icon.png|18px]] Mythical </span> - | Alienware Giveaway (2016)|-N/A}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Possessed_Sword_IconPossessed Sword Icon.png|66px]]||*'''[[Possessed Sword]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | The Big Hunt Monthly Mission (2015)* Special Ability: '''| Field of Swords'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Bearkira.png|66px]]||*'''[[Bearkira]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | Teddy Bear Nightmare Monthly Mission (2015)* Special Ability: '''| Maelstrom'''|}}
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Events-Limited: Dragon''' </span>
{||-{Special Pet Info| [[File:Narwhagon.png|66px]]||*'''[[Narwhagon]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | An Etherian Pilgrimage Monthly Mission (2015)* Special Ability: '''| Unified Defense'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Scourge Dragon.png|66px]]||*'''[[Scourge Dragon]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | No Fear New Year Monthly Mission (2016)* Special Ability: '''| Plague Claw'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Dragolich.png|66px]]||*'''[[Dragolich]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | A Harrowing Harbinger Holiday Monthly Mission (2015)* Special Ability: '''| Ghost Wail'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Caustic Dragolich icon.png|66px]]||*'''[[Caustic Dragolich]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | Mesmerization! Monthly Mission (2016)* Special Ability: '''| Ghost Wail'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Jolly_Santolich_IconJolly Santolich Icon.png|66px]]||*'''[[Jolly Santolich]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | Winterfest Event 2021* Special Ability: '''| Ghost Wail'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Frostbite_Santolich_IconFrostbite Santolich Icon.png|66px]]||*'''[[Frostbite Santolich]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | Winterfest Event 2021* Special Ability: '''| Ghost Wail'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Krampuslich_IconKrampuslich Icon.png|66px]]||*'''[[Krampuslich]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | Winterfest Event 2021* Special Ability: '''| Ghost Wail'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Nightmare_Krampuslich_IconNightmare Krampuslich Icon.png|66px]]||*'''[[Nightmare Krampuslich]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | Winterfest Event 2021* Special Ability: '''| Ghost Wail'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Betsy White.png|66px]]||*'''[[Betsy White]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | Tester Reward* Special Ability: '''| Lil Betsy Projectile'''|}} |-| Events-Seasonal=
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Events-Seasonal: Creeper''' </span>
[[File:Grumpy_icon.png|1px|right]]{||-{Special Pet Info| [[File:Penguin_Commander_IconPenguin Commander Icon.png|68px]]||*'''[[Penguin Commander]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | Winter Event* Special Ability: '''| Frost Spike''', '''| Heavy Blizzard''' or '''| Snow Storm'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:Snow_Mage_IconSnow Mage Icon.png|68px]]|| *'''[[Snow Mage]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | Winter Event* Special Ability: '''| Frost Spike''', '''| Heavy Blizzard''' or '''| Snow Storm'''|-}}{{Special Pet Info| [[File:King_Nutcracker_IconKing Nutcracker Icon.png|68px]]|| *'''[[King Nutcracker]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | Winter Event* Special Ability: '''| Frost Spike''', '''| Heavy Blizzard''' or '''| Snow Storm'''|}} |-| Defender Pack=
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Defender Pack: Creeper''' </span>
[[File:Protobud.png|1px|right]]{||-| [[File:Madwick_Icon.png|66px]]||'''[[Madwick]]''' - <span div style="colordisplay: flex; flex-wrap:#ff00ffwrap;"> [[ {{Pet Info | File:Mythical_IconMadwick Icon.png | Madwick |18px]] Mythical </span>}} {{Pet Info |-| [[File:Pixiebell_IconPixiebell Icon.png|66px]]|| '''[[Pixiebell]]''' - <span style="color:#ff00ff"> [[File:Mythical_Icon.png|18px]] Mythical </span>|-}} {{Pet Info | [[File:Protobud.png |66px]]||'''[[Protobud]]''' - <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary </span>|-}} {{Pet Info | [[File:Nigel2.png |66px]]|| '''[[Nigel]]''' - <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png |18px]] Legendary }}</spandiv> |}|-| Exclusives=
<span style="font-size: 150%"> '''Exclusives: Dragons''' </span>
[[File:Grumpy_icon.png|1px|right]]{||-{Special Pet Info| [[File:Megadon_Icon_BorderMegadon Icon Border.png|66px]]||*'''[[Megadon]]'''* <span style="color:#FFF380"> [[File:Legendary_Icon.png|18px]] Legendary </span> - | Xbox Exclusive: Acquired from Revenge of the Yeti Incursion* Special Ability: '''| Sharknado'''|}|-|}
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