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19,331 bytes added, 14:19, 13 April 2023
var tooltips = {
debug: false,

api: false,
types: [],
classes: ['basic-tooltip', 'advanced-tooltip'],
advancedCounter: 1,

events: [],
timeouts: [],

offsetX: 20,
offsetY: 20,
waitForImages: false,
noCSS: false,

flip: false,

init: function() {
if($(document.body).hasClass('mw-special-InfoboxBuilder')) return;
if(|[Tt]rue)/) != -1 || (typeof tooltips_debug != 'undefined' && tooltips_debug)) tooltips.debug = true;
var href = (new mw.Uri($('link[rel="canonical"]').attr('href'))).path;
if(typeof href == 'undefined' || !href) {
console.log('Tooltips: script couldn\'t find required link[rel="canonical"] tag');
tooltips.disabled = true;
return false;
href = href.split('/wiki/');
tooltips.api = href[0]+'/api.php?format=json&action=parse&disablelimitreport=true&prop=text&title='+href[1];
if(mw.util.getParamValue('uselang')) tooltips.api += '&uselang='+mw.util.getParamValue('uselang');
// Cache tooltip contents on the CDN for 10 minutes for anonymous users
tooltips.api += '&maxage=600&smaxage=600'
tooltips.api += '&text=';

tooltips.types['basic-tooltip'] = {};
tooltips.types['advanced-tooltip'] = {};

if(!tooltips.config()) {
console.log('Tooltips: missing config');
tooltips.disabled = true;
return false;

var content = $('#WikiaMainContent');
if(!content.length) content = $('#mw-content-text');

if(!tooltips.noCSS) {
var cssImport = importArticle({
type: 'style',
article: 'u:dev:MediaWiki:Tooltips.css'
if (Array.isArray(cssImport)) {
// MW 1.19
} else {
// UCP
cssImport.then(function () {
var expectedSource = mw.loader.moduleRegistry['u:dev:MediaWiki:Tooltips.css'].style.css[0];
for (var node = document.querySelector('head > meta[name="ResourceLoaderDynamicStyles"]').previousElementSibling; node.tagName === 'STYLE'; node = node.previousElementSibling) {
if (node.textContent === '\n' + expectedSource) {
throw new Error('WTF? Failed to find RL-inserted style!');

if($('#tooltip-wrapper').length === 0) $('<div id="tooltip-wrapper" class="WikiaArticle"></div>').appendTo(document.body);
if($('#tooltip-storage').length === 0) $('<div id="tooltip-storage" class="WikiaArticle"></div>').append('<div class="main-tooltip tt-basic-tooltip" id="tooltip-basic-tooltip">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</div>').appendTo(content);

.css({'margin':'0px','position':'fixed','height':'auto','min-height':'0','z-index': 6000000,'font-size':'14px'})


$('#tooltip-basic-tooltip').data('type', 'basic-tooltip');


mw.hook('wikipage.content').add(function(elem) {

if(typeof == 'string') = [];
for(var x=0; x<; x++) { $(window).on([x], function(ev, elem) { tooltips.applyTooltips(elem || this) }) }

if(tooltips.debug) {
config: function() {
if(typeof tooltips_list != 'undefined') {
$(tooltips_list).each(function(i, v) { tooltips.addType(v) });
if(typeof tooltips_config == 'object') {
tooltips.offsetX = tooltips_config.offsetX || tooltips.offsetX;
tooltips.offsetY = tooltips_config.offsetY || tooltips.offsetY;
tooltips.waitForImages = (tooltips_config.waitForImages || tooltips.waitForImages) && true;
tooltips.noCSS = tooltips_config.noCSS || tooltips.noCSS; = ||;

return true;
applyTooltips: function(elem) {
$(elem).find('.'+tooltips.classes.join(', .')).each(function() {
$this = $(this);
if($this.hasClass('tooltips-init-complete')) return;


$'tooltip-contents', $(this).attr('title'));


advancedTooltip: function(elem) {
elem = $(elem);
if(!elem.hasClass('advanced-tooltip')) return;
var tips = elem.find('.tooltip-contents');
if(!tips.length) return;
var tip = $('<div class="main-tooltip tt-advanced-tooltip"></div>').attr('id', 'tooltip-advanced-tooltip-'+tooltips.advancedCounter).appendTo('#tooltip-storage').data('type', 'advanced-tooltip').append($(tips[0]).contents()).each(tooltips.calcSize);
tips.remove();'tooltip-id-advanced-tooltip', tooltips.advancedCounter);
addType: function(tt) {
if(typeof tooltips.types[tt.classname] == 'undefined') {
var obj = {};

if(typeof tt.parse == 'string' || typeof tt.parse == 'function') var parse = tt.parse; else var parse = false;
if(typeof tt.text == 'string' || typeof tt.text == 'function') var text = tt.text; else var text = false;

if(parse) {
obj.text = parse;
obj.parse = true;
} else if(text) {
obj.text = text;
obj.parse = false;
} else return;

if(typeof obj.text == 'string') obj.parameters = tooltips.getParameters(obj.text); else obj.parameters = [];

if(typeof tt.delay == 'string' || typeof tt.delay == 'number') obj.delay = parseInt(tt.delay); else obj.delay = false;
if(typeof tt.onParsed == 'function') obj.onParsed = tt.onParsed;
if(typeof tt.onShow == 'function') obj.onShow = tt.onShow;
if(typeof tt.onHide == 'function') obj.onHide = tt.onHide;

tooltips.types[tt.classname] = obj;
if(tooltips.classes.indexOf(tt.classname) == -1) tooltips.classes.push(tt.classname);
} else {
if(typeof tt.delay == 'string' || typeof tt.delay == 'number') tooltips.types[tt.classname].delay = parseInt(tt.delay);
if(typeof tt.onParsed == 'function') tooltips.types[tt.classname].onParsed = tt.onParsed;
if(typeof tt.onShow == 'function') tooltips.types[tt.classname].onShow = tt.onShow;
if(typeof tt.onHide == 'function') tooltips.types[tt.classname].onHide = tt.onHide;
getParameters: function(text) {
var list = [];
var matches = text.match(/<#\s*[a-z0-9_\-]+?\s*#>/gi);
if(matches) {
for(var x=0; x<matches.length; x++) {
return list;
getAPI: function(text) {
return tooltips.api+encodeURIComponent(text);
getText: function(type, elem) {
if(typeof tooltips.types[type].text == 'function') {
var text = tooltips.types[type].text($(elem)[0]);
} else {
var text = tooltips.types[type].text;
for(var x=0; x<tooltips.types[type].parameters.length; x++) {
var param = tooltips.types[type].parameters[x];
var value = $(elem).data(param);
if(typeof value == 'undefined') value = '';
var rx = new RegExp('<#\\s*'+param.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&")+'\\s*#>', 'g');
text = text.replace(rx, value);
return text;
getTooltip: function(type, elem) {
elem = $(elem);
if('tooltip-id-'+type)) return $('#tooltip-'+type+'-''tooltip-id-'+type));

var text = tooltips.getText(type, elem);
var id = tooltips.hash(text);'tooltip-id-'+type, id);

var tip = $('#tooltip-'+type+'-''tooltip-id-'+type));
if(tip.length) return tip;

tip = $('<div class="main-tooltip"></div>').attr('id', 'tooltip-'+type+'-'+id).appendTo('#tooltip-storage').data('type', type).addClass('tt-'+type);

tooltips.wrapperPosition(tooltips.lastKnownMousePos[0], tooltips.lastKnownMousePos[1]);

if(!tooltips.types[type].parse) {
tooltips.wrapperPosition(tooltips.lastKnownMousePos[0], tooltips.lastKnownMousePos[1]);
} else {
var api = tooltips.getAPI(text);
if(tooltips.debug) tip.html('<pre style="padding:2px 3px;font-size:11px;">'+api+'</pre>');
tip.attr('title', api);
url: api,
dataType: 'json',
context: tip,
success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
tooltips.wrapperPosition(tooltips.lastKnownMousePos[0], tooltips.lastKnownMousePos[1]);
var images = $(this).find('img');
images.fadeTo(0, 0).one('load', function() {
if(tooltips.waitForImages) {
tip = $(this).closest('.main-tooltip');
if(tip.find('img').length == tip.find('img.image-loaded').length) {
tooltips.wrapperPosition(tooltips.lastKnownMousePos[0], tooltips.lastKnownMousePos[1]);
} else $(this).fadeTo(100,1);
if(tooltips.waitForImages) {
if(images.length === 0) {
} else {
var type = $(this).data('type') || false;
if(type && typeof tooltips.types[type].onParsed == 'function') {
if($(this).find('').length > 0) $(this).addClass('has-redlinks');
tooltips.wrapperPosition(tooltips.lastKnownMousePos[0], tooltips.lastKnownMousePos[1]);
return tip;
getBasicTooltip: function(elem) {
return $("#tooltip-basic-tooltip").html(mw.html.escape($(elem).data('tooltip-contents')).replace(/\\n/g,'<br />')).each(tooltips.calcSize);
getAdvancedTooltip: function(elem) {
return $("#tooltip-advanced-tooltip-"+$(elem).data('tooltip-id-advanced-tooltip'));
getTooltips: function(elem) {
elem = $(elem);
var classes = elem.attr('class').split(' ');
var tips = [];
for(var i=0;i<classes.length;i++) {
var tip = false;
if(classes[i] == 'advanced-tooltip') tip = tooltips.getAdvancedTooltip(elem);
else if(classes[i] == 'basic-tooltip') tip = tooltips.getBasicTooltip(elem);
else if(typeof tooltips.types[classes[i]] != 'undefined') tip = tooltips.getTooltip(classes[i], elem);
if(tip) tips.push(tip[0]);
return $(tips);
setOwnWidth: function() {
$this = $(this);
if(typeof $'width') != 'undefined') $this.css('width', $'width')+'px');
else $this.css('width', '');
calcSize: function() {
$this = $(this);
$this.css('position', 'absolute');
var temp = $this.css('width');
$this.css('width', '');
$'width', parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle($this[0]).width));
$'height', parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle($this[0]).height));
$'outerwidth', $this.outerWidth(true));
$'outerheight', $this.outerHeight(true));
$this.css('width', $'width')+'px');
$this.css('position', '');
$this.css('width', temp);
sameWidth: function() {
if($("#tooltip-wrapper").find('.main-tooltip').length == 1) {
} else {
var width = 0;
$("#tooltip-wrapper").find('.main-tooltip').each(function() { width = Math.max(width, $(this).data('width') || 0); });
$("#tooltip-wrapper").find('.main-tooltip').each(function() { $(this).css('width', width+'px'); });
wrapperPosition: function(mouseX, mouseY) {
var tipH = parseInt($("#tooltip-wrapper").css('padding-top')) + parseInt($("#tooltip-wrapper").css('padding-bottom'));
var tipW = 0;
var barH = $('#WikiaBarWrapper').height();

$("#tooltip-wrapper").find('.main-tooltip').each( function(){ if(typeof $(this).data('outerheight') != 'undefined') tipH += $(this).data('outerheight'); });
$("#tooltip-wrapper").find('.main-tooltip').each( function(){ if(typeof $(this).data('outerwidth') != 'undefined') tipW = Math.max(tipW, $(this).data('outerwidth') + parseInt($("#tooltip-wrapper").css('padding-left')) + parseInt($("#tooltip-wrapper").css('padding-right'))); });

var spaceTop = mouseY - tooltips.offsetY;
var spaceLeft = mouseX - tooltips.offsetX;
var spaceRight = $(window).width() - mouseX - tooltips.offsetX;
var spaceBottom = $(window).height() - barH - mouseY - tooltips.offsetY;

var coordX = mouseX + tooltips.offsetX;
var coordY = mouseY + tooltips.offsetY;

if(spaceRight < tipW && spaceBottom < tipH) {
if(spaceLeft >= tipW && tooltips.flip != 'h') {
coordX = mouseX - tipW - tooltips.offsetX;
tooltips.flip = 'v';
} else if(spaceTop >= tipH) {
coordY = mouseY - tipH - tooltips.offsetY;
tooltips.flip = 'h';
} else {
coordX = mouseX - tipW - tooltips.offsetX;
coordY = mouseY - tipH - tooltips.offsetY;
tooltips.flip = 'vh';
} else {
tooltips.flip = false;
if ($("#tooltip-wrapper").css('position') == 'fixed') {
coordX = coordX-$(window).scrollLeft();
coordY = coordY-$(window).scrollTop();

coordX = Math.min(coordX, $(window).width() - tipW);
coordY = Math.min(coordY, $(window).height() - tipH - barH);
} else {
coordX = Math.min(coordX, $(window).width() - tipW);
coordY = Math.min(coordY, $(window).height() - tipH - barH + $(window).scrollTop());
$("#tooltip-wrapper").css({left: coordX + 'px', top: coordY + 'px'});
handlers: {
mouseOver: function(e) {
tooltips.lastKnownMousePos = [e.pageX, e.pageY];
tooltips.wrapperPosition(e.pageX, e.pageY);

var tips = tooltips.getTooltips(this);

var handle = this;
tips.each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var type = $(this).data('type') || false;

$(window).trigger('scroll');// trigger image lazy loader
if(type && typeof tooltips.types[type] != 'undefined' && tooltips.types[type].delay) {
tooltips.timeouts[$(this).attr('id')] = setTimeout(function(){
if(type && typeof tooltips.types[type].onShow == 'function') tooltips.types[type]$this[0], handle);
}, tooltips.types[type].delay);
} else if(type && typeof tooltips.types[type].onShow == 'function') tooltips.types[type], handle);
mouseOut: function(e) {
tooltips.lastKnownMousePos = [e.pageX, e.pageY];
tooltips.wrapperPosition(e.pageX, e.pageY);

var handle = this;
$("#tooltip-wrapper").find('.main-tooltip').appendTo('#tooltip-storage').each(function() {
var type = $(this).data('type') || false;
if(type && typeof tooltips.types[type].onHide == 'function') tooltips.types[type], handle);
delete tooltips.timeouts[$(this).attr('id')];
mouseMove: function(e) {
tooltips.lastKnownMousePos = [e.pageX, e.pageY];
tooltips.wrapperPosition(e.pageX, e.pageY);
hash: function(text) {
/* Source: */
var hash = 0, i, char;
if (text.length === 0) return hash;
for (i = 0, l = text.length; i < l; i++) {
char = text.charCodeAt(i);
hash = ((hash<<5)-hash)+char;
hash |= 0; // Convert to 32bit integer
return hash;

Navigation menu