|Description= Boosts damage dealt the Defense Power and reduces damage taken for all Defenses within Defense Critical Damage of defenses inside its area by a percentage of its radiusown Defense Power and Defense Critical Damage.|Overview=A Sustain * Boost Aura that affects all provides 10% damage resistance to defenses in short within range by increasing their default at Tier 1.* 10% of the Boost Aura's defense power by and 25% (increases with Upgrades)of its crit damage is transferred to defenses within range.|Icon=BoostMonk_boost_aura.jpg|DPS=Nopng
|Health=Max Energy
|H1=100%3x|H2=125%3.3x|H3=150%3.6x|H4=175%3.9x|H5=200%4.2x|Attack=Defense Power Boost|A1=0.1x|A2=0.11x|A3=0.12x|A4=0.13x|A5=0.14x|Range=Attack Boost Range|R1=7.5680|R2=8.25680|R3=9.0680|R4=9.74680|R5=10.5680|Boost=Crit Damage BonusBoost|B1=257.5%|B2=308.25%|B3=359%|B4=409.75%|B5=4510.5%