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251 bytes added, 19:11, 30 October 2023
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{{Template:Combat Info
|hero = Lavamancer
|card = Lavamancer_card.png
|icon = Lavamancer_icon_trans.png
|lore = The Lavamancer is carries with him the master undying Flame of molten Embermount, a fiery energy source from which he draws the power to manipulate earth and magma with the resiliency of stone. He excels at building volcanic defenses creates volcanoes, oil geysers, and towers of fiery stone to debilitate and burn his adversaries. The Lavamancer is a powerful melee strikes crushing his enemies underfootfighter who exemplifies ferocity and explosiveness blended with the power of a volcano!|HD Scalar = 0.9|Weapon HH Scalar = Lava Sword/Fist/Mace1.4|DamageReduction = ?20%|Weapon1 = Lava Arms
|Primary= Devastating melee combos dealing physical damage.
|Secondary= Dash. Chargeable.
|dp= 100
|dh= 100
|ds= 250
|hh= 960
|hp= 150
|ap= 10
[[File:HeroIntrosVO.Waves.HeroIntro Lavamancer-VO.ogg|right]]

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