Template:Yeti Barbarian Accessories

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- This costume contains 4 non-changeable accessories.

Accessory Rarity and Piece Flavor Text
Snow-Crowned Fury Icon.png

Snow-Crowned Fury

Mythical Icon.png Mythical
Crowned by snow, the Barbarian wears winter like a king.
Frozen Fury Chestpiece Icon.png

Frozen Fury Chestpiece

Mythical Icon.png Mythical
The embodiment of ice and fury, hardened through countless battles.
Icy Wrath Armguards Icon.png

Icy Wrath Armguards

Mythical Icon.png Mythical
Gauntlets that crush with the weight of winters powers.
Snowbound Stompers Icon.png

Snowbound Stompers

Mythical Icon.png Mythical
Boots forged for unyielding steps through ice and snow.