Underworld Mystic

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Underworld Mystic
Cosmetic Type Costume
Accessories 4 in total
Rarity Mythical Icon.png Mythical
Price Gem Icon.png 800
Availability Available
Hero Mystic

There are evils past this world that threaten Etheria that need to be fought.

The Underworld Mystic is a mythical costume for the Mystic. The costume is purchasable for 800 gems from the Seamstress or in the cosmetic interface.

What this costume contains

The Underworld Mystic contains 4 accessories - none of them are changeable. A unique card art is also provided for your hero deck.

Costume does not affect any actual weapon cosmetic.


Accessory Rarity Piece Flavor Text
Dark Ram Barbute Icon.png

Dark Ram's Barbute

Mythical Icon.png Mythical Head Butt heads with your enemies, and win!
Dark Wrappings Icon.png

Dark Wrappings

Mythical Icon.png Mythical Torso Etched to ward off ethereal evils.
Cephalowraps Icon.png


Mythical Icon.png Mythical Gauntlet These grips offer great protection via unbreakable suction.
Other Side Steps Icon.png

Other Side Steps

Mythical Icon.png Mythical Legs Made from an underbeast's hide, they offer unparalleled silence and protection.

Notes and Trivia

  • This costume was internally known as "Darkviper".
  • The location the Underworld Mystic was featured in the poster art appears to be the Buried Bastille.


  • DD2 Splash Logo.png ??? : Introduced.