Abyss Lord

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Revision as of 06:43, 10 January 2024 by Sether74 (talk | contribs) (Added Shard and Mods tab reference)

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Abyss Lord
Abyss Lord
Primary Attack: Mana Siphon
Secondary Attack: Single Attack but can be held down to spawn a spinning Knight
Usable Weapons: Tomes
Lore: Ruthlessly betrayed and murdered by the Harbinger, the Abyss Lord rises from the depths of the underworld. Vowing to destroy all who may invade Etheria, he summons the skeletal remains of the Old One's army and the ethereal spirits of fallen Knights to do his bidding. An active defender, he dominates the battlefield, responding to threats and ordering his defenses to obliterate enemies.
Hero Damage Scalar: 0.5
Hero Health Scalar: 0.9
Base Damage Reduction: 0%


AbyssLord stone.png Abyss Stone: Summon a stone from the abyss that pulses and damages enemies in an area of effect for a short time.
AbyssLord knight.png Knight of the Abyss: Call forth a fallen knight from the spirit world to whirlwind in place, stunning, knocking back, and slicing through enemies.
AbyssLord command.png Direct Command: The Abyss Lord commands his defenses within a radius to perform a devastating special move. Each defense has a unique special move.
AbyssLord fountain.png Abyss Fountain: A healing fountain of energy from the spirit world soothing the wounds of all nearby.

AbyssLord orc.png Orc Blockade: Called from the Abyss to act as a wall, he smashes those that come before him.
AbyssLord Ramster.png Skeletal Ramster: Once cute and cuddly, this monstrosity now spits Abyssal Flames at all enemies in sight.
AbyssLord BoneArchers.png Skeletal Archer: Tied together for eternity, these archers have both angles covered.
AbyssLord Colossus.png The Colossus: The ultimate in movable defense and obliteration, this Demonic undead warrior crushes enemies while also acting as a powerful blockade.

Advanced EditList of Abyss Lord-specific Item Shards:

Name Effect (Gilded value in brackets) Item
GearSlot Shard Pack
Hero Shard Icon 6.png Abyss Knight's Bargain Reduces the mana cost of Knight of the Abyss by 4-39% (52%). Helmet Icon.png Chaos 3 Shard Pack Icon.png
Hero Shard Icon 6.png Abyss Stone Attunement Reduces the mana cost of Abyss Stone by 1-14% (19%). Boots Icon.png Chaos 3 Shard Pack Icon.png
Hero Shard Icon 6.png Abyssal Mandate Reduces the mana cost of Direct Command by 4-39% (52%). Chest Icon.png Chaos 4 Shard Pack Icon.png
Hero Shard Icon Abyss Lord.png Darkest Syphon Increases the angle of Dark Syphon by 3-30 (42). Chest Icon.png Chaos 4 Shard Pack Icon.png
Hero Shard Icon 7.png Fan Of Knights Skeletal Knight also fires two additional Knights that deal 20-500% (596%) of your Ability Power in damage. Gloves Icon.png Chaos 4 Shard Pack Icon.png
Hero Shard Icon 2.png Fiery Brimstone Adds 2-36% (50%) Hero Damage to Your Attacks as Magical Fire Damage. Weapon Icon.png Chaos 7 Shard Pack Icon.png
Hero Shard Icon 7.png Flaming Knight Knight of the Abyss is now imbued with fire, causing enemies hit to burn for 50-500% (600%) of your Ability Power in fire damage over 5 seconds. Weapon Icon.png Chaos 5 Shard Pack Icon.png
Hero Shard Icon 14.png Fountain Of Speed Abyss Fountain increases allied movement speed by 50-650 (850) for 5 seconds. Boots Icon.png Campaign Standard Shard Pack Icon.png
Hero Shard Icon 4.png Mana Leech Dark Syphon drains 3-39% (52%) additional mana. Gloves Icon.png Chaos 5 Shard Pack Icon.png
Hero Shard Icon Abyss Lord.png Power Of The Knight Increases the damage of Knight of the Abyss by 3-64% (84%). Gloves Icon.png Chaos 2 Shard Pack Icon.png
Hero Shard Icon 6.png Power Overwhelming Increases your Ability Power by 10-50% (58%), but increase your ability resource cost by 50-70% (74%). Helmet Icon.png Chaos 8 Shard Pack Icon.png
Hero Shard Icon Abyss Lord.png Ramster Power Increases the damage of Ramster Direct Command by 5-35% (47%). Gloves Icon.png Chaos 7 Shard Pack Icon.png
Hero Shard Icon 7.png Shattering Stones After an Abyss Stone expires, it detonates dealing 40-2500% (3047%) of your Ability Power as crushing damage to nearby enemies. Boots Icon.png Chaos 6 Shard Pack Icon.png
Hero Shard Icon Abyss Lord.png Volatile Gemstone Increases the damage of Abyss Stone by 4-40% (52%). Gloves Icon.png Chaos 10 Shard Pack Icon.png
Hero Shard Icon 17.png Withering Fountain Abyss Fountain withers enemies inside it reducing the damage they deal by 2-20% (28%). Boots Icon.png Chaos 1 Shard Pack Icon.png
Defense Shard Icon 1.png Berserk Master Increases the duration of Direct Command on your Skeletal Orcs by 1-5 (7) seconds. Medallion and Totem Outline.png Chaos 2 Shard Pack Icon.png
Defense Shard Icon 1.png Colossal Fissure Your Colossus' Direct Command now rips the earth unleashing a fissure that lingers and deals 50-2050% (2450%) of your Ability Power in damage over 6 seconds, but increases the mana cost of Direct Command by 30-70% (78%). Usable once every 60 seconds. Medallion and Totem Outline.png Chaos 6 Shard Pack Icon.png
Defense Shard Icon 2.png Double Tap Your Skeletal Archers have a 15-45% (51%) chance to fire twice in succession. Medallion and Totem Outline.png Chaos 8 Shard Pack Icon.png
Defense Shard Icon 7.png Electric Fingers Skeletal Orcs have 3-30% chance on hit to deal an additional 40-400% (480%) of their Defense Health as storm damage. Bounces 3 times. Medallion and Totem Outline.png Chaos 1 Shard Pack Icon.png
Defense Shard Icon 2.png Explosive Arrows Skeletal Archers have a 10-30% chance on hit to fire an explosive arrow dealing an additional 1-25% (30%) of Defense Damage. Medallion and Totem Outline.png Chaos 5 Shard Pack Icon.png
Defense Shard Icon 1.png Fleeting Rebirth Increase the Defense Power and Health of the affected tower by 9-48% (60%) for 35 seconds after spawning. Medallion and Totem Outline.png Survival Tier Icon.png
Defense Shard Icon 6.png Rain Of Oil Skeletal Archer's Direct Command now oils enemies, slowing them by 50% for 2-8 seconds. If an oiled enemy is hit by fire damage, the oil ignites, dealing 20-600% (716%) of its Defense Power in fire damage over 1-5 seconds. Medallion and Totem Outline.png Chaos 3 Shard Pack Icon.png
Defense Shard Icon 1.png Titanic Slam The Colossus’ attack has an 8-18% (20%) chance to be a massive overhead slam, creating a shockwave that deals 200-1800% (2120%) of your Tower Health as earth damage and sends enemies airborne. Medallion and Totem Outline.png Chaos 9 Shard Pack Icon.png

Advanced EditList of Abyss Lord-specific Item Mods:

Name Effect Item
Weapon Helmet Chest Boots Gloves Relic
Echoing Command Chip +1~15 seconds to Direct Command duration on Skeletal Orc, Ramsters, and Archers. TickGreen.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png
Mana Command Chip +?~30 mana from kills by Direct Command empowered defenses. TickGreen.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png
Lingering Hellfire +1.14~20% extra Fire damage over 3.05~10 seconds when hit by Skeletal Ramster and attunes the tower to Fire. (DoT Fire Damage does not work on Drakenlord's shield) CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png CrossWhite.png TickGreen.png

List of Abyss Lord-specific Wayfarer Weapons:

Name Fixed Mod Effect
Demon Scythe Demonic Scythes Secondary attacks summon Demon Scythes that deal ?~210% Ability Power as Magical Damage and pierce up to 5 targets. Charged attacks deal ?~550% Ability Power as Magical Damage and pierce up to 10 targets.
Scorched Tome of Molten Brimstone Volcanic Command Secondary Attack summons meteors that deal 365~1,350% Ability Power as Fire Damage. Charge to summon a lava fissure dealing ?~530% of Ability Power as fire damage in a path and burning for ?~160% Ability Power per second for 5 seconds.