Ramster Knight Squire

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Ramster Knight Squire
Cosmetic Type Costume
Accessories 10 in total
Rarity Mythical Icon.png Mythical
Availability Obtainable - Defender Packs
Hero Squire

Strike fear into the hearts of your enemies with Ramster Armor!

The Ramster Knight Squire is a Mythical costume for the Squire. This costumes can only be obtained through defender packs.


Changeable - Head Pieces

Accessories Rarity Flavor Text In-Game
Grizzled Ramhelm Icon.png

Grizzled Ramhelm

Mythical Icon.png Mythical Doubles as a yeti mask. Example
Idol Ramhelm Icon.png

Idol Ramhelm

Mythical Icon.png Mythical Heavy metal infused with the lost soul of a real live dead animal. Example
Horned Ramhelm Icon.png

Horned Ramhelm

Mythical Icon.png Mythical SQUEEEEEE! Example
Ramsterdam Icon.png


Mythical Icon.png Mythical It looks like an oversized ramster, but it has the Squire's eyes. Example
Hamsterram Icon.png


Mythical Icon.png Mythical So cute you just had to skin it and wear it. Example
Tongue Icon.png


Mythical Icon.png Mythical Take the face off a ramster's face and wear it on your face. Example

Changeable - Shoulders Pieces

Accessories Rarity Flavor Text In-Game
Trophied Yakdrons Icon.png

Trophied Yakdrons

Mythical Icon.png Mythical A fine ramster hide embellished with the skull of a rare killer ramster. Example
Double K.O. Icon.png

Double K.O.

Mythical Icon.png Mythical Double the ram-power. Example


Accessories Rarity Piece Flavor Text
Bear Torso Icon.png

Bear Torso

Powerful Icon.png Powerful Body Show everyone you've made some gains.
Yakbearian Greaves Icon.png

Yakbearian Greaves

Epic Icon.png Epic Legs Yakbearians never greave.

Notes & Trivia

  • The Ramster Knight Squire, as its name suggest, is based on a ramster, a creature indigenous to Etheria which has the traits of a ram, a rabbit and a hamster.
  • This costume has a unique victory animation.
  • The wallpaper depicts the Ramster Knight Squire wielding the Ramster Slapper Icon.png Ramster Slapper, an epic sword.
  • The Ramster Biter Icon.png Ramster Biter's design is most likely based in relations of this Squire costume. Of course due to the weapon being an axe, the Ramster Knight won't be able to wield it.
  • Interestingly, the background of the Ramster Knight's wallpaper has some similarity to the first Huntress wallpaper. While it is not exact, the resemblance is there.
  • The concept art seems to show that there's at least four accessories that was designed but not made.
  • While the wallpaper features the Horned Ramhelm was the main helm for the costume, the Grizzly Ramhelm ended up being ordered as the first helm of the costume when viewed at the wardrobe or in the cosmetic interface in-game which is quite odd.
  • Prior to Power of Ancients Expansion (3.0), the Ramster Knight costume was available at the seamstress for price of 800 gems before being permanently transferred to the roster of Defender Packs.



  • Power of the Ancients Splash Logo.png 2.0 : No longer purchasable from the Seamstress, became Defender Pack-exclusive.
  • [Early Access] 4.0 : Introduced