Skill Spheres

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Skill Spheres are artifacts that improve stats and passives. They have been removed since the Trials: Endgame Update, along with Passives, and replaced with Shards.


Skill Spheres is a system which replaced the former Specs system. The Spheres can be attached onto characters to enhance their Defence and Hero stats, as well as abilities. The first Sphere can be acquired at level 5 and more Spheres can be used as the Hero levels further.

Slots and types


There are seven slots for Spheres in the 'Character' window. These slots are unlocked as you level up.

  • Three Small slots unlocked at levels 10, 18 and 27.
  • Two Medium slots unlocked at levels 15 and 30.
  • A Large slot unlocked at level 40.
  • An Uber slot unlocked at level 50.


Every type of the Skill Spheres has its own specialty:

  • Small Spheres increase stats and some minor Defense changes like range.
  • Medium Spheres increase passives.
  • Large Spheres give you a hero-specific bonus.
  • Uber Spheres modify the way a certain skill or defense building works.

Small Slot

Picture Name Description Gold Cost Limit Level Required
Defense Crit Chance.jpg Defense Crit Chance Sphere I Increases Defense Crit Chance by 2% 1500 3 10
Defense Crit Chance.jpg Defense Crit Chance Sphere II Increases Defense Crit Chance by 3% 3000 1 10
Defense Crit Damage.jpg Defense Crit Damage Sphere I Increases Defense Crit Damage by 25 1500 3 10
Defense Crit Damage.jpg Defense Crit Damage Sphere II Increases Defense Crit Damage by 50 6000 3 10
Defense Crit Damage.jpg Defense Crit Damage Sphere III Increases Defense Crit Damage by 75 12000 1 10
Hero Crit Chance.jpg Hero Critical Chance Sphere I Increases Hero Crit Chance by 2% 1500 3 10
Hero Crit Chance.jpg Hero Critical Chance Sphere II Increases Hero Crit Chance by 3%  ? 1 10
Hero Crit Damage.jpg Hero Critical Damage Sphere I Increases Hero Crit Damage by 25 1500 3 10
Hero Crit Damage.jpg Hero Critical Damage Sphere II Increases Hero Crit Damage by 50 6000 3 10
Hero Crit Damage.jpg Hero Critical Damage Sphere III Increases Hero Crit Damage by 75  ? 1 10
Defense Power.jpg Defense Power Sphere I Increases Defense Power by 10 1500 1 5
Defense Power.jpg Defense Power Sphere V Increases Defense Power by 42  ? 1 25
Hero Damage.jpg Hero Damage Sphere I Increases Hero Damage by 10  ? 1 5
Hero Damage.jpg Hero Damage Sphere V Increases Hero Damage by 42  ? 1 25
Hero Health.jpg Hero Health Sphere III Increases Hero Health by 26  ? 1 15
Defense Speed.jpg Defense Speed Sphere V Increases Defense Speed by 20  ? 1 25
Defense Health.jpg Defense Health Sphere III Increases Defense Health by 26  ? 1 15
Defense Health.jpg Defense Health Sphere V Increases Defense Health by 42  ? 1 25

Medium Slot

Picture Name Description Gold Cost Limit Level Required
Defense Crit Chance.jpg Defense Critical Chance Sphere Increases Defense Crit Chance by 5%  ? 1 10
Hero Crit Chance.jpg Hero Critical Chance Sphere I Increases Hero Crit Chance by 5%  ? 1 10
Cooldown.jpg Cooldown Sphere I Reduces the cooldown of your abilities by 10% 7000 2 12
Attack Stun.jpg Attack Stun Sphere I 5% chance on hit for basic attacks to stun targets for 0.5 seconds  ? 1 15
Experience Bonus.jpg Experience Bonus Sphere I Increases experience gained by 10% 7000 2 12
Experience Bonus.jpg Experience Bonus Sphere II Increases experience gained by 20%  ? 2 20
Mana Regen.jpg Mana Regen Sphere I Increases your ability mana by 1 per second 7000 2 12
Mana Regen.jpg Mana Regen Sphere II Increases your ability mana by 1.5 per second 14000 2 20
Gold Bonus.jpg Gold Bonus Sphere I Increases gold gained by 10% 7000 2 12
Gold Bonus.jpg Gold Bonus Sphere II Increases gold gained by 20% 14000 2 20
Gold Bonus.jpg Gold Bonus Sphere III Increases gold gained by 30% 20000 2 20
Gold Bonus.jpg Hero Gold Bonus Sphere I 15% chance for enemies defeated by Heroes to drop 100 extra gold  ? 1 25
Movement Speed.png Movement Speed Sphere I Increases Movement Speed by 40 7000 2 12
Movement Speed.png Movement Speed Sphere II Increases Movement Speed by 80 14000 2 15
Movement Speed.png Movement Speed Sphere III Increases Movement Speed by 120 28000 2 20
Movement Speed.png Movement Speed Sphere IV Increases Movement Speed by 300 56000 1 25
Movement Speed.png Movement Speed Sphere V Increases Movement Speed by 400 112000 1 35

Large Slot

Name Description Gold Cost Limit Level Required
Chilling Strikes Sphere I 10% Chance To Chill Target For 2 Seconds, Slowing Them By 20% 125000 1 30
Oiling Strikes Sphere I 10% Chance To Oil Target For 2 Seconds, Slowing Them By 20% 125000 1 30
Panic Fire Sphere I 15% When Defenses Damaged To Increase Defense Speed By 100% For 5 Seconds 125000 1 30
Press Your Luck Sphere I 30% When Defenses Damaged To Increase Defense Crit Chance By 30% For 5 Seconds 125000 1 30

Uber Slot

Name Description Gold Cost Limit Level Required
Shielding Guard Sphere 5% When Defenses Damaged To Shield For 100% Of Defense Health For 3 Seconds 125000 1 50
Explosive Guard Sphere 30% When Defenses Damaged To Explode Dealing 350% Defense Power In Magical Fire Damage 125000 1 50