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Queen Death Weaver

94 bytes added, 18:20, 10 November 2022
Added gif image
== Behavior ==
[[File:Queen_Death_Weaver_Attacking_Squire.gif|Queen Death Weaver's primary attack.|thumb]]
When spawned, the Queen Death Weaver will slowly crawl towards the core, potentially attacking heroes or defenses that aggroes them. The miniboss doesn't attack regular towers unless they completely block her path but any nearby heroes or blockades will easily get her attention.
== Notes ==
* CG dev IDHC revealed that the projectiles the Queen Death Weaver fires are bugged. They're supposed to affect any towers/blockade-type defenses the projectiles hit, just like how heroes get webbed.
== History ==
* [[File:DD2_Splash_Logo.png|35px]] '''December 15th 2021''' : Added to Onslaught through the Arachnophobia schedule.
* [[File:DD2_Splash_Logo.png|35px]] '''July 27th 2021''' : Introduced.

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