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203 bytes added, 12 June
Second pass on grammar. Focused mostly on bosses and "special" enemies. Also expanded some category descriptions and fixed minor inconsistencies in unit descriptions.
==Common Enemies==
''Most of these enemies (with the exceptions of certain variants) will be first encountered from in Campaign and Adventures onwardsAdventure mode, with exceptions for certain variants.''
| enemy_types = Ranged, Support.
| variants = [[File:Mal%27Donis the Dark Icon.png|24px]] Maldonis the Dark, Malthius, Elemental Mages.
| description = Periodically summons skeletons from dead enemies, heals other nearby allies enemies and fires projectiles that debuffs defenses.
| enemy_types = Support.
| variants = [[File:Witherbeast Gold Icon.png|24px]] Golden Witherbeast.
| description = Damage resistant enemy that burrows underground to emit an aura that increases damage taken by defenses while also healing alliesother enemies.
==Chaos Enemies==
''Unique enemies that requires different require alternate strategies to counter them. They are introduced gradually through the Chaos levels, and can appear in various Chaos difficulties of Onslaught, Expeditions, Incursions , Mastery and MasterySurvival modes.''
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== Special Stage Enemies ==
''Enemies with unique abilities that originates from , who are introduced in specific maps but will also Incursions and Expeditions. Most can occasionally and interchangeably appear in other maps or gamemodes, substituting regular enemies or minibosses.''
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| enemy_types = Ranged.
| origin_stage = The Demon's Lair Incursion.
| description = Attacks produces an AoE produce a line of damaging AoE lava fissures that launches launch any heroes in its way upwards. Drops a lava boulder pickup on death.
| enemy_types = Melee, Miniboss.
| origin_stage = Bastille Master Incursion.
| description = Periodically puts up applies a golden energy shields around her shield to herself and other nearby enemies. Shields multiply and any surrounding allies that multiplies any reflect damage taken, before reflecting it back to the sourcedirectly.
| enemy_types = Orc, Melee, Miniboss.
| origin_stage = Dark Awakening Incursion.
| description = Cursed power Fast moving miniboss who buffs other nearby enemy allies and also debuffs heroes and defenses when struck by his scytheenemies. Very speedyHis attacks apply Curse on hit, causing targets to briefly take increased damage from all sources.
| variants = [[File:Icon WindshaperBoss.png|24px]] Cyclone Shaper, Tornado Forger, Wind Lord.
| origin_stage = Tornado Valley Region Expeditions
| description = Casts large piercing cyclones that knocks launches heroes up.
| variants = [[File:Elite Stone Wolf Icon.png|24px]] Elite Stone Wolf.
| origin_stage = Malakai's Sewers and Malakai's Manor Expeditions
| description = Morph itself Periodically morphs into stone for a short period of time"Stone Form". In Stone Form, rendering it is immune to damage and taunts nearby towers into attacking as well.
| enemy_types = Frosty, Gobu, Melee.
| origin_stage = Revenge of the Yeti Incursion.
| description = Tougher and faster than regular goblins. Attacks produces slow effects that slows their target. Has 50% resistance to water damage and takes double damage from fire.
| enemy_types = Frosty, Gobu, Ranged.
| origin_stage = Revenge of the Yeti Incursion.
| description = Much more ferocious than regular bomb goblins. Attacks produces slow effects that slows their target. Has 50% resistance to water damage and takes double damage from fire.
| enemy_types = Frosty, Orc, Melee.
| origin_stage = Revenge of the Yeti Incursion.
| description = Emits a chilling aura that slows reduces nearby defenses down' attack rate - Effect stacks with multiple Frost Orcs. Has 50% resistance to water damage and takes double damage from fire.
| enemy_types = Frosty, Support, Ranged.
| origin_stage = Revenge of the Yeti Incursion.
| description = Charged attack fires a large chilling piercing snowball that passes through , which slows heroes and slowing down reduces defenses as well' attack rate. Has 50% resistance to water damage and takes double damage from fire.
| enemy_types = Frosty, Ranged.
| origin_stage = Revenge of the Yeti Incursion.
| description = Fires a volley of chilling snowballs that slows both , which slow heroes and reduce defenses on hit' attack rate. Has 50% resistance to water damage and takes double damage from fire.
| enemy_types = Frosty, Melee, Miniboss.
| origin_stage = Revenge of the Yeti Incursion.
| description = Throws snowballs that completely freezes immediately freeze both heroes and defenses. Has 50% resistance to water damage and takes double damage from fire.
| enemy_types = Frosty, Melee, Miniboss.
| origin_stage = Drakenfrost Keep Expeditions.
| description = Covers himself with an icy spherical aura that greatly which reduces any all damage taken while by 99%. Aura also slowing rapidly slows and eventually freezing freezes anything within its radius before striking . After freezing them , he strikes heroes down with specters. Has 50% resistance to water damage and takes double damage from fire.
| lane_type = Ground
| enemy_types = (Squire & Monk) - Skeleton, Melee. (Apprentice & Huntress) - Skeleton, Ranged.
| description = Four minibosses - skeleton versions of the original four heroes. Deals a good amount of Each deals moderate damage and , hits can knockback.
== Bosses ==
''Large major enemies with challenging special mechanics that heavily defines specifics rounds. Most bosses are immune to, or cannot be directly targeted by the majority of placed Defenses. Heroes will need to attack personally to defeat them! Essentially....these are boss fights!''
* <span style="font-size:90%"> '''Stationary boss fight''' - ''The boss is only positioned remains in one or several specific spots during its attack phase, players will need to go to the boss to defeat them.''</span>* <span style="font-size:90%"> '''Free-roaming boss fight''' - ''The boss is mobile. Players will be able to aggro them to various areas in the map. If all players are dead or out of range, boss may proceed towards (and attack) the Eternia Crystal.''</span>
| lane_type = Boss
| encounter = The Wyvern's Den Campaign or Prime VI Incursion 5th wave.
| description = Stationary boss fight. Within the giant wyvern's arena, heroes will have to deal with her devastating firebreath/fireball attacks, summonings of summoned wyverns and deadly melee claw swipes. Periodically, she will leave the arena to attack the core or other targets within the map.
| lane_type = Boss
| encounter = The Demon's Lair Chaos IV or Prime II Incursion.
| description = Stationary boss fight. Can only be damaged when stunned by catapult-launched lava balls. Attack patterns involves frequently throwing three giant lava boulders at heroes, defenses or core - and setting everyone ablaze with roars , dealing very minimal chipping damageover time.
| lane_type = Boss
| encounter = Tornado Highlands Expeditions 6th wave.
| description = Stationary boss fight. Fires extremely well-aimed precision eyebeams and homing spits bolts of various elements that inflicts crippling inflict crowd control effects to targets. Whenever a health breakpoint has been reached, an a damage immunity shield will be is placed on the boss which has to can be removed by defeating multiple the Wind Lords acting as conduits. Unable damage core.
| lane_type = Boss
| encounter = Malakai's Manor Expeditions 6th wave.
| description = Free-roaming boss fight. Uses a mace and shield to perform various smashing and bashing attacks that specializes specialize in moving defenses. Projectile attack has the ability to home homing properties and pass passes through terrain. Incredibly resistant to frontal damage.
| encounter = Dawn of the Blood Moon in Chaos III or Prime VI Incursion 5th wave.
| variants = [[File:Demon_Eye_Terraria_Icon.png|24px]] Demon Eye.
| description = Free-roaming boss fight. Fights in , With two phases of attack patterns - The first phase First Phase has the Eye keeping maintain a short distance from heroes while spawning Demon Eyes. The Second phase Phase begins at half health, and involves increased dive attacks and an increase in movement speed and dive charge attacks after removing half of the boss' health.

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