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Pet Abilities

375 bytes added, 22 June
Added 2 abilities, cooldowns are missing.
|Encouragement || Uplift your spirit by restoring 75 blue mana! || 28 ||Any Gato Pet
|Feeding Frenzy || Increases hero speed by 50% for 7 seconds. During this time attacks deal an additional 115% water hero damage. || ? ||Blue Shark Cat |-|Field of Swords || Create a field of swords dealing 130% physical Hero Damage per second for 15s. || 60 || Possesed Sword & Tainted Sword
|Fire Barrage || Fire 6 fireballs at your target, dealing 425% fire Hero Damage each. || 20 ||Any Fire Damage Pet
|Poison Spit || Fires a Poison bolt dealing 2,000% earth Hero Damage and 150% damage per second for 6s. || 30 ||Any Earth Damage Pet
|Poison Whirlpool || Fires a ball of poison that creates a swirling whirlpool on impact. This whirlpool draws in enemies, dealing 600% poison hero damage every second for 10 seconds. || ? ||Seahorse & Dapper Seahorse
|Poisonous Tips || Attacks deal 120% bonus earth damage for 8s. || 45 ||Any Earth Damage Pet

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