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224 bytes added, 16:55, 13 October 2022
Adding the proper images
{{Enemy Infobox
|image =
Tier 1=
Tier 2=
Tier 3=
|damage_type = ??
|damage = ??
|health = ??
|schedule icon = [[File:Ogre_Icon.png|60px]]
The Ogre is a Special Enemy. He is a mini-boss frequently found in the [[Chaos|Chaos Expeditions]], [[Onslaught]] and [[Incursions]] maps. An Ogre looks very similar to the one from Dungeon Defenders, in which he is a large blue [[Enemies|enemy]]. If a [[Heroes|hero]] or [[Maps#Objectives|Core]] is in line of sight but at long range he will cough up a large slime ball and throw it, if a hero is in the Area of Effect the slime ball will slow the hero for a period of time. If a [[Heroes|hero]] is nearby but not quite in swinging distance the Ogre will jump into the air and slam his butt into the ground creating a shockwave Area of Effect damaging everything in range. Afterwards, he will approach and try to melee attack any [[Heroes|hero]], [[DefensesDefense|defense]], or [[Maps#Objectives|Core]].
The Ogre is one of the easier mini-bosses to fight since he has a very easy to see attack pattern coming, though he can still become a threat if left to break through your [[DefensesDefense|defenses]]. As usual, Melee [[Heroes]] should stay behind him when attacking. As a miniboss he has a very high amount of health. == Schedule Icon ==[[File:Ogre lane Icon.png]]

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