Template:EV2 Defenses

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List of Ev2-specific Defenses:

Tower Type Description Additional info
Mana cost (per node) Damage Type Targets
EV2 ProtonBeam.png Proton Beam Node A chain that slows and deals damage to enemies inside it. Can Fereeze Enemies with the Frosty Beams Shard. 20+(10++) Magical 10 (per chain)
EV2 ReflectBeam.png Reflect Beam Node A chain that will reflect any enemy projectiles that reach it. Each node detonates as a projectile passes through the chain. (Needs 100% Tenacity to reflect Cyborc projectiles) 10++ Magical Detonate
EV2 BuffBeam.png Buff Beam Node A Buff Beam chain that empowers defenses. Each defense the beam touches gains 10% of the Buff Beam's Defense Power and 25% Defense Crit Damage stats. (Buff area is wider than it seems) 20++ None None
EV2 WeapManu.png Weapon Manufacturer Node Gains charge when enemies die inside its damage aura. When fully charged, it will either build the Mega Death Laser or Atomic Launcher for EV2 to utilize. (See main page for more info) 50+10+(30++) Magical 10 (per dps node)