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Primary Attack: A Melee Physical Slash Attack dealing damage. Also summons a small phoenix, which deals Magical Damage.
Secondary Attack: Blocks with her shield, reducing incoming damage.
Usable Weapons: Swords, Axes, Shields
Lore: The Countess hails from a long line of Embermount Flame Wardens that specialize in the art of fighting with fire, binding any source of flame to do their bidding. Summoning phoenixes with the swing of her blade or using her craft as a master dragon tamer, the Countess can burn down any battlefield within an instant.
Hero Damage Scalar: 0.35
Hero Health Scalar: 1.2
Base Damage Reduction: 20%


Countess Flame Surge.png Flame Surge: Slam your shield into the ground, summoning ethereal dragons that travel forward in a line and burn everything in their path.
Countess Call To Arms.png Call To Arms: Rally yourself and nearby allies, increasing movement speed and damage dealt. Nearby towers also deal increased damage!
Countess Valiant Charge.png Valiant Charge: Charge forward, becoming immune to damage and heavily damaging all enemies in your path.
Countess Holy Fire.png Holy Fire: Creates a flame barrier that reduces damage taken and heals over time.

Passive Ability

Fury Passive Icon.png Fury: Basic attacks also launch phoenix projectiles that deal fire damage to all targets in a line. Scales with hero damage and weapon swing speed.