
From Dungeon Defenders 2 Wiki
Revision as of 13:40, 23 July 2024 by Mia Nava (talk | contribs) (Added extra shards)

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Primary Attack: A Melee Physical Slash Attack dealing damage and dispatching enemies, every third-consecutive attack drenches enemies.
Secondary Attack: Ice Shards; A Charged Ranged Magical Projectile Attack that pierces enemies, dealing frost damage.
Usable Weapons: Polearms
Lore: From the depths of Aquanos, within the sunken citadel where murmurs of ancient tales resonate, the Aquarion emerges. Born of the noble King and Queen of Aquanos, the young Queen now shoulders the weight of her royal lineage, fighting to stop her now corrupted father from claiming Aquanos for the Old One's Army.
Hero Damage Scalar: 0.35
Hero Health Scalar: 1.325
Base Damage Reduction: 33.33%


Ice Orbs.png Ice Orbs: The Aquarion summons four rotating balls of ice, dealing damage to enemies they come in contact with and granting them a chance to evade incoming attacks!
Whirlpool.png Whirlpool: Calls forth a raging whirlpool at the target location, damaging enemies and drawing them towards the center.
Oceanic Rift.png Oceanic Rift: Summons forth a geyser of high-pressure water that damages, knocks-up, and drenches enemies.
Bubble Bulwark.png Bubble Bulwark: Creates a bubble-shield around the Aquarion. This reduced incoming damage and provides gradual health regeneration. When the bubble expires it detonates damaging nearby enemies.