Series EV2

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Series EV2
Series EV2
Primary Attack: A single fast moving projectile that deals Magical damage.
Secondary Attack: A larger and faster projectile that deals increased Magical damage. Also increases Heat.
Usable Weapons: Canisters
Lore: Series EV2 is a self-aware robot tasked with protecting the Sky City. With a machine-like intensity, EV2 constantly modified herself and upgraded her defense systems. Her feature set includes servo-reductive protonic engines, prismatic-shielding, hi-definition laser optics, and Mana-infused alloy plating. Series EV2 has pushed herself far beyond her original limitations.
Hero Damage Scalar: 0.5
Hero Health Scalar: 0.75
Base Damage Reduction: 0%


EV2 AntiGravBots.png Anti Gravity Bots: EV2 launches bots that home towards enemies. Bots explode on contact or when shot.
EV2 DFA.png Holographic Decoy: EV2 leaps backwards, leaving a decoy behind that taunts nearby enemies for a few seconds. As it expires, the decoy explodes and damages nearby enemies.
EV2 ProtonCharge.png Proton Charge: EV2 enters siege mode and her arm cannon morphs into the mighty Proton Charge. Proton Charge fires a long piercing beam that damages all enemies hit.
SeriesEV2 healself.png Heal Self (Series EV2): EV2 stands still and unleashes thousands of tiny little repair bots that move through her systems and repair them over time. Must remain still while active.