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(Added lane mutators, but I'm not finished adding all of them.)
(Map Pools)
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Onslaught is one of the gamemodes in Dungeon Defenders 2, which features stronger enemies as you progress.  It is available as soon as you complete the [[Campaign]].
== Features ==
Onslaught has many special rules that aren't present in other gamemodesHere is a list of the special ruleset:
Onslaught is one of the gamemodes in Dungeon Defenders 2, which features stronger [[enemies]] as you progress<br> 
Onslaught is available as soon as you complete the [[Campaign]]. You'll start on floor 1, begining your journey to floor 999!
=== Rule 1 ===
=== Features ===
The further you progress through floors in Onslaught, the higher level enemies will becomeThis seems straightforward on the surface, but you can end up with enemies far stronger than in [[Chaos|chaos 7]] difficulty on floors 30+.
Onslaught has many special features that aren't present in other gamemodesHere is a list of the special features:
=== Rule 2 ===
* The further you progress through floors in Onslaught, the higher level [[enemies]] will become. <br>
Every lane has special conditions as to which monsters can spawn from it.  The name of the lane will also change as well to indicate what will spawn there. A list of common names for lanes is listed below.
:The [[Enemies|enemy]] level scaling of onslaught is rather low at 172.5 levels per floor (floor 36-945). <br>
:After completing floor 945 the scaling starts to go up exponentially at 402,500 levels per floor (floor 946-999). <br>
:Shortly into the exponential scaling, all [[enemies|enemies']] health gradually reaches the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/32-bit_computing 32bit Interger limit] and decides to cap at a flat 2 billion HP.  
=== Rule 3 ===
Enemies can be affected by lane mutators.  You will probably encounter your first lane mutator at floor 3.  Lane mutators can be viewed by holding shift and will appear below the list of enemies.  The further you go in Onslaught, the more mutators that will appear in each game.  Each lane is limited to 2 mutators at a time, and which mutators appear is completely random (re-rolling an onslaught floor will re-roll mutators again).  A list of lane mutators can also be found below.
== Spawning Conditions ==
* Every lane has special conditions as to which [[enemies|monsters]] can spawn from it.  The name of the lane will also change as well to indicate what will spawn there. <br>
These are common prefixes, suffixes, and names that will appear on a lane and determine what spawns from it. [[Bosses]] are not affected by special spawning conditions.
:Lanes will have set prefixes, suffixes, or names that will appear on a lane and determine what spawns from it. e.g. '''Cy =''' [[Cybork|cyborks]], '''Frost =''' [[Frost Enemies]].
: '''Main Article:''' '''[[Onslaught Lane Schedules]]'''
* [[Enemies]] can be affected by [[Mutators|lane mutators]].  You will probably encounter your first [[Mutators|lane mutator]] at floor 3.
:[[Mutators|Lane mutators]] can be viewed by [[Controls|holding shift]] and will appear below the list of [[enemies]].  The further you go in Onslaught, the more [[mutators]] that will appear in each game.
:Each lane is limited to 2 [[mutators]] at a time, [[Mutators|double mutators]] start at floor 22. Re-rolling an onslaught floor will re-roll the [[mutators]], lanes and [[Maps|map]].
: '''Main Article:''' '''[[Mutators]]'''
'''The first category determines what type of non-[[Chaos|chaos]] monsters will spawn.'''
=== Fodder ===
* Each floor has a [[Maps|map]] pool (listed below) and a forced [[Maps|map]], [[The Lost Temple]] that every player needs to do when pushing their onslaught floors. Temple will occur every 10 floors starting from 34 and has unique mechanics to overcome. <br>
Any monsters can spawn in this lane.
: '''Main Article:''' '''[[The Lost Temple]]'''
=== Wompers ===
== Chaos Level ==
Only melee monsters can spawn here, like [[Warboars]] and [[Orcs]].
=== Throwers ===
Each floor has a difficulty associated with it that determines what [[chaos]] [[enemies]] can spawn, as well as what kinds of rewards can drop in terms of equipment, [[shards]], [[Crafting Materials|crafting materials]], and [[mods]]. <br>
Only ranged monsters can spawn here, like [[Javelin Throwers]] and [[Drakins]].
'''Note:''' Completing an [[Expeditions|expedition]] will automatically set your floor to the minimum floor in it's range. This does not apply to [[Expeditions|Chaos 10 expeditions]]. <br>
In order to access a specific chaos tier to skip some Onslaught floors through [[expeditions]], a minimum [[Champion Score|champion score]] must be met.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
! Chaos Level !! Floor Equivalent !! Floor Unlock !! Champion Score
| Campaign || 1~2 || 1 || 0
| Chaos 1 || 3~4 || 3 || 335
| Chaos 2 || 5~8 || 5 || 580
| Chaos 3 || 9~11 || 9 || 1,050
| Chaos 4 || 12~16 || 12 || 1,740
| Chaos 5 || 17~21 || 17 || 2,750
| Chaos 6 || 22~27 || 22 || 3,800
| Chaos 7 || 28~98 || 28 || 5,300
| Chaos 8 || 99~299 || 99 || 7,850
| Chaos 9 || 300~699 || 300 || 9,850
| Chaos 10 || 700~999 || N/A || 12,750
=== Healers ===
==Map Pools==
[[Dark Mages]] will spawn here.
Onslaught has a [[Maps|map]] pool system per floor. Each floor's pool can be identified with the last digit of the floor number. <br>
e.g. floor 105 will be one of the [[maps]] in it's category below. <br>
The last digit rule applies floor 33+, groups stay the same always but before then the last digit rule doesn't work.
=== Crippling ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
[[Witherbeasts|Wither Beasts]] will spawn here.
! style="text-align:center;" colspan="4" | Onslaught Map Reroll List
| '''Ones, Twos, Sixes, Sevens''' || '''Threes, Eights, Nines''' || '''Zeros and Fives''' || '''Fours'''
'''The following will determine what [[Chaos|chaos]] monsters will spawn.  The prefixes/suffixes/names must be listed in a lane in order for said monster to spawn:'''
| [[Forgotten Ruins]] || [[Crumbled Bulwark]] || [[The Gates of Dragonfall]] || [[The Lost Temple]]
=== Vanguard / -Guard ===
[[Vanguards]] will spawn from this lane.  [[Cannonball Tower|Cannonball Towers,]] [[Poison Dart Tower|Poison Dart Towers,]] and other projectile-based towers will not be very effective against them in these lanes.  Consider using traps, auras, AOE towers, or even [[Earthshatter Tower|Earthshatter Towers]] if you need long-range targeting.
| [[Greystone Plaza]] || [[Forest Biome]] || [[The Ramparts]] ||
=== Cy- ===
| [[Siphon Site D]] || [[Dragonfall Sewers]] || [[Dragonfall Bazaar]] ||
[[Cyborks]] will appear.  Auras, traps, and nodes used in this lane are at risk of being disabled.  If you wish to use any of them, a tenacity [[Mods|servo]] can help mitigate stuns.
| [[The Throne Room]] || [[Buried Bastille]] || [[Liferoot Forest]] ||
=== Geo- ===
[[Geodes]] will spawn here.  They protect all enemies within its barrier from projectile attacks.  Counter them in a similar way that you would deal with [[Vanguards|vanguards.]]
| [[Assault on Throne Room]] || [[Plunderer's Paradise]] || [[Forest Crossroads]] ||
=== Zerker- ===
| [[The Dead Road]] || [[Nimbus Reach]] || [[Molten Citadel]] ||
[[Berserker Orcs]] will charge out of the lane and will usually run in front of the pack.  It is fairly common for them to escape crowd control builds and leak through your defenses.  [[Cannonball Tower|Cannonball Towers]] are a great method for dealing with leaks.
| [[Wild Westival]] || [[The Jacked Sparrow]] || [[Unholy Catacombs]] ||
=== Stabby- ===
This only appears in a flyer lane.  [[Assassins|Dark Assassins]] will spawn and try to assassinate you.  They never appear alone in a flyer lane, so don't ignore anti-air defenses!
| [[Embermount Volcano]] || [[Drakenfrost Resort]] || [[Ramparts Siege]] ||
=== Hex- ===
| [[Tornado Highlands]] || [[Temple of the Necrotic]] || ||
[[Hex Throwers]] will appear.  These guys are great at sniping your towers, and in some maps, can even snipe a core or sub-objective from the spawn.  A [[Reflect Beam]] is great at protecting anything vulnerable to snipers, and can also cause them to waste time trying to pick off their target.
| [[Tornado Canyon]] || [[Little-Horn Valley]] ||  ||
=== EMP- ===
These guys also only appear in flyer lanes.  Just like [[Kobold Flier|Kobold Flyers,]] [[Kobolts]] will attempt to dive-bomb any nearby defenses or anything if their health drops too low.  Traps, auras, and nodes cannot be stunned by kobolts, but multiple [[Sky Guard Tower|Sky Guard Towers]] can take them out before they have the chance to dive-bomb.  Extra range on your sky guards can reduce the chance of a successful dive-bomb attempt.
| [[Lava Caverns]] || [[The Wildest West]] || ||
=== Frosty- ===
| [[Crystal Mine]] || [[Drakenfrost Keep]] ||  ||
Any [[Frost Enemy|frost enemies]] can be seen here.  This will only appear around floor 30 and beyond.  The Yeti [[Incursions|incursion]] will introduce you to these mobs.
| [[Malakai's Manor]] || || ||
=== Lava- ===
[[Lava Guardians]] will spawn here.  This also only appears around floor 30+.  If you are having trouble dealing with these guys, they can also be found in the Demon Lord [[Incursions|incursion]].
| [[Malakai's Sewer]] || || ||
'''The third category contains names that appear in flyer lanes:'''
=== Dargons ===
[[Wyverns]] will spawn here.  If the name were corrected to "dragons", these lanes would probably be a lot scarier.
=== Zappers ===
[[Lightning Bugs]] will appear.  They prefer to destroy your towers and blockades rather than head straight for your cores.
=== Kami- / Kamikaze ===
[[Kobold Flier|Kobold Flyers]] will spawn and attempt to dive-bomb your defenses.
'''The last category has special names that heavily change spawning conditions for the lane.  None of the names above will be combined with any of these names:'''
=== Floppy Arms and Pig Bois ===
Only Goblin enemies and [[Warboars]] will appear here.  This name is usually only present in lower-level floors of Onslaught.
=== Air Raid ===
Hence the name, this will only appear in flyer lanes.  This causes all types of enemies to spawn - usually in a larger quantity than usual.  Heavy anti-air is highly recommended, but careful not to spend too many Defense Units!
=== Orcish Horde ===
Any assortment of mobs can spawn here, but only if they're orcs.  This ranges from [[Orcs|regular orcs]] to [[Cyborks]] to [[Berserker Orcs]]. The anti-orc or orc-boom [[Mods|servos]] are great counters for these lanes.
=== Dreadbones' Crew ===
A random assortment of monsters will spawn with pirate outfits.  [[Captain Dreadbones]] will also spawn here every wave.
=== Timmy's Revenge ===
A random assortment of monsters will spawn.  [[Timmy]] also spawns once every wave.
=== Game Ogre ===
Only [[Ogres]] will spawn in this lane.  Unlike most ogres, these guys can range from smaller ogres to regular-sized ogres.  Because nothing else spawns in this lane, [[Cannonball Tower|Cannonball Towers]] or other single-targeting defenses work well.
=== Just Timmy ===
[[Timmy]] spawns multiple times. Just like with Game-Ogre, single-targeting defenses are great for handling this lane.
== Lane Mutators ==
'''Lane mutators can change enemy mechanics, such as health, resistances, and even immunities.  Lane mutators usually don't appear until floor 3, but the further you go in Onslaught, the more mutators you will see.  Each lane may have a maximum of 2 mutators altering it.'''
'''Here is a list of the possible mutators that can be found:'''
=== Proximity ===
The closer your hero or your defense is to an enemy with this mutator, the more damage said hero/defense deals.  Traps are extremely effective in these lanes due to most of them requiring close proximity, but auras and nodes can do some decent work, too.  If you're in an earlier onslaught floor, blockades also work well.
=== Long Shot ===
This is the opposite of Proximity - the farther you or your defense is from an enemy, the more damage the enemy will take.  Towers benefit most from this mutator.  [[Poison Dart Tower|Poison Dart Towers]] and [[Earthshatter Tower|Earthshatter Towers]] make a great combo for Long Shot lanes as you can [[Petrify|petrify]] enemies while hitting them from a long distance.
=== Armored ===
This mutator causes enemies to take less physical damage, but more magical damage.  You will want to avoid using any of the [[Squire|Squire's]] defenses as they all deal physical damage.  [[Explosive Trap|Explosive Traps]] will also be less effective. All of the [[Apprentice|Apprentice's]] and [[Monk|Monk's]] defenses deal magical damage, so consider using them when building this lane.
If you wish to use a tower that normally deals physical damage, you can apply an elemental [[Mods|servo]] to convert the tower to magical damage.  All elements will do the trick.
If you want to know whether or not your tower deals physical or magical damage, look at the damage numbers that appear when enemies take damage.  While numbers are physical damage, purple numbers are magical, and red numbers are critical hits (can be physical or magical).
=== Spellbreaker ===
Just like how the Armored mutator reduces physical damage and increases magical damage, this mutator does the opposite.  The [[Squire's]] defenses are highly recommended, but [[Explosive Trap|Explosive Traps]] are great source of AOE damage while still dealing physical damage.
Because the [[Sky Guard Tower]] shoots magical bolts, this mutator can be a nightmare on air lanes, as you're essentially to use [[Cannonball Tower|Cannonball Towers]] or [[Ballista|Ballistas]] to effectively deal any considerable damage to flyers with this mutator.
=== Power Block ===
Enemies with this mutator are immune to hero abilities.  However, they take extra damage from your weapons.  If you are actively defending in a lane with this mutator, you will want to use a hero with high Hero Damage but low Ability Power.
=== Brittle ===
Brittle enemies spawn with more health, but receive a resistance debuff when hit by any of your hero abilities.  It is ideal for you to actively defend in this lane, so your defenses don't have to deal with the extra health.  However it won't be really useful if you don't use active abilities very often or abilities that can be toggled.  Don't ignore your other lanes, either!
=== Soft Spot ===
Enemies receive less damage from all sources, except when they're attacked from their weak point.  Unfortunately, there aren't many enemies that have weakpoints, making this mutator rather annoying.  If you're lucky enough to have a [[Goblin Siege Roller]] spawn with this mutator, however, you can utilize it's weak point to destroy it very quickly.
=== Unstoppable ===
Unstoppable enemies are immune to [[Slow|slow]] debuffs.  This does not affect [[Berserker Orcs]] or [[Frost Enemy|Frost Enemies]] as they are already immune to slow effects.  While unstoppable enemies cannot be slowed, they are still vulnerable to [[Stun|stuns.]]
=== Headstrong ===
Instead of being immune to [[Slow|slows,]] Headstrong enemies cannot be [[Stun|stunned.]]
== History ==
Onslaught was taken out of the game during the Trials update.
Onslaught has been brought back with the recent update
From the 19.0 [https://dungeondefenders.com/2/blog/142955/trials-the-endgame-update-out-now-full-patch-notes Patch notes], "Onslaught is finally taking the rest we’ve been talking about. In the future, we have plans for an Onslaught revamp or for a new system to take its place. It shall be reborn!"

Revision as of 21:18, 10 January 2024


Onslaught is one of the gamemodes in Dungeon Defenders 2, which features stronger enemies as you progress.
Onslaught is available as soon as you complete the Campaign. You'll start on floor 1, begining your journey to floor 999!


Onslaught has many special features that aren't present in other gamemodes. Here is a list of the special features:

  • The further you progress through floors in Onslaught, the higher level enemies will become.
The enemy level scaling of onslaught is rather low at 172.5 levels per floor (floor 36-945).
After completing floor 945 the scaling starts to go up exponentially at 402,500 levels per floor (floor 946-999).
Shortly into the exponential scaling, all enemies' health gradually reaches the 32bit Interger limit and decides to cap at a flat 2 billion HP.

  • Every lane has special conditions as to which monsters can spawn from it. The name of the lane will also change as well to indicate what will spawn there.
Lanes will have set prefixes, suffixes, or names that will appear on a lane and determine what spawns from it. e.g. Cy = cyborks, Frost = Frost Enemies.
Main Article: Onslaught Lane Schedules

Lane mutators can be viewed by holding shift and will appear below the list of enemies. The further you go in Onslaught, the more mutators that will appear in each game.
Each lane is limited to 2 mutators at a time, double mutators start at floor 22. Re-rolling an onslaught floor will re-roll the mutators, lanes and map.
Main Article: Mutators

  • Each floor has a map pool (listed below) and a forced map, The Lost Temple that every player needs to do when pushing their onslaught floors. Temple will occur every 10 floors starting from 34 and has unique mechanics to overcome.
Main Article: The Lost Temple

Chaos Level

Each floor has a difficulty associated with it that determines what chaos enemies can spawn, as well as what kinds of rewards can drop in terms of equipment, shards, crafting materials, and mods.
Note: Completing an expedition will automatically set your floor to the minimum floor in it's range. This does not apply to Chaos 10 expeditions.
In order to access a specific chaos tier to skip some Onslaught floors through expeditions, a minimum champion score must be met.

Chaos Level Floor Equivalent Floor Unlock Champion Score
Campaign 1~2 1 0
Chaos 1 3~4 3 335
Chaos 2 5~8 5 580
Chaos 3 9~11 9 1,050
Chaos 4 12~16 12 1,740
Chaos 5 17~21 17 2,750
Chaos 6 22~27 22 3,800
Chaos 7 28~98 28 5,300
Chaos 8 99~299 99 7,850
Chaos 9 300~699 300 9,850
Chaos 10 700~999 N/A 12,750

Map Pools

Onslaught has a map pool system per floor. Each floor's pool can be identified with the last digit of the floor number.
e.g. floor 105 will be one of the maps in it's category below.
The last digit rule applies floor 33+, groups stay the same always but before then the last digit rule doesn't work.

Onslaught Map Reroll List
Ones, Twos, Sixes, Sevens Threes, Eights, Nines Zeros and Fives Fours
Forgotten Ruins Crumbled Bulwark The Gates of Dragonfall The Lost Temple
Greystone Plaza Forest Biome The Ramparts
Siphon Site D Dragonfall Sewers Dragonfall Bazaar
The Throne Room Buried Bastille Liferoot Forest
Assault on Throne Room Plunderer's Paradise Forest Crossroads
The Dead Road Nimbus Reach Molten Citadel
Wild Westival The Jacked Sparrow Unholy Catacombs
Embermount Volcano Drakenfrost Resort Ramparts Siege
Tornado Highlands Temple of the Necrotic
Tornado Canyon Little-Horn Valley
Lava Caverns The Wildest West
Crystal Mine Drakenfrost Keep
Malakai's Manor
Malakai's Sewer