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Pets are creatures that help Heroes by attacking Enemies and providing Empowerment Stats.

Pets are hatched from pet eggs acquired from Enemies or Victory Chests. To hatch an egg, interact with the Stable Boy.

Gato and Creeper eggs can be transformed into Premium eggs via the Stable Boy by spending Gems. These pets can hatch in any rarity and can roll unique special abilities.

Regular Pets


Standard Gato

Gato Egg icon.png
Purrlin icon.png Purrlin - Powerful Icon.png Powerful
Cathatter icon.png CatHatter - Powerful Icon.png Powerful
Purrpeller icon.png Purrpeller - Powerful Icon.png Powerful
Furlin icon.png Furlin - Epic Icon.png Epic
Mad Catter icon.png Mad Catter - Epic Icon.png Epic
Propeller Cat icon.png Propeller Cat - Epic Icon.png Epic
Magicat icon.png Magicat - Mythical Icon.png Mythical
Top Cat icon.png Top Cat - Mythical Icon.png Mythical
Kitty General icon.png Kitty General - Legendary Icon.png Legendary

Premium Gato

Katkarot icon.png
  • Katkarot - Any Rarity.gif Can hatch in any rarity
  • Costs Gem Icon.png 250
  • Special Ability: Metsu Gatodouken or Shinku Gatodouken
Shinobi Kitty icon.png
  • Shinobi Kitty - Any Rarity.gif Can hatch in any rarity
  • Costs Gem Icon.png 200
  • Special Ability: Shuriken Fury
Autumeow icon.png
  • Autumeow - Any Rarity.gif Can hatch in any rarity
  • Costs Gem Icon.png 400
  • Special Ability: Cyclone
G4-T0 Icon.png
  • G4-T0 - Any Rarity.gif Can hatch in any rarity
  • Costs Gem Icon.png 600
  • Special Ability: Radial Blast

Golden Pets


Raising your Pet

Pets have 3 variable stats that roll between two numbers as [X-Y]:

  • Pet Attack Damage - All pets have different attack values that go up by an amount depending on the pet. Premium pets have different values depending on their rarity.
  • Pet Attack Rate - How often a pet attacks per X seconds. Unlike the other two stats, the lower number is better.
  • Empowerment Stats - Starts off as [20-55] and gains +5 per Affection level. At level 60, gives [315-350]
    Formula: ROUNDDOWN((Gearscore*Base Stat Roll)*(Evolution Multiplier/70)/2)
Evolution Multiplier
Hatchling 0.15
Fledgling 0.25
Veteran 0.3
Elder 0.4

Pets can become stronger by leveling them up in two ways:

  • Power - Feeding your pet, Pet Food, which can be bought from the Petrinarian or looted from enemies. 5,000 EXP is required to level up.
  • Affection - Your pet gains affection in battle alongside your Hero. Affection is gained by being present when defeating a wave.
Pet Affection Level
Evolution Waves per level Total
Hatchling 6 54
Fledgling 12 168
Veteran 12 228
Elder  ?  ?

(Needs renewed confirmation)

Pet affection can be manually increased with Large Pet Affection Boosters and Pet Affection Boosters. To make use of these boosters, you need to equip your pet and select the character for which you have equipped it.

Large Affection Booster.png
Small Affection Booster.png
  • Large Pet Affection Boosters : They are obtainable through Mastery rewards in the "Pet Power Packs". These boosters will give 16 affection levels to any type of pet.
  • Pet Affection Boosters : They are buyable from The Colonel for 250 Defender Medals. These boosters will give 8 affection levels to any type of pet.

These boosters are sellable, which means they can be purchased from player shops.

A pet will start off as a Hatchling but can be evolved at set levels that increases their base stats and gives them Pet Abilities. Increasing tiers of Vials and Gold are required for each evolution as follows:

Pet Upgrade Requirements
Fledgling Veteran Elder
Level 10 25 45
Vials - Powerful 2-0-0 0-2-0 0-2-1
Vials - Epic 3-0-0 0-3-0 0-3-1
Vials - Mythic 5-0-0 0-5-0 0-5-1
Vials - Legendary 7-0-0 0-7-0 0-7-5
Gold 10,000 10,000 10,000

In addition, Premium pets and Itsy-Betsy change form upon evolving to Veteran and Elder. This effect is only cosmetic.


Pet Food


Pet Reroll

Pet Abilities

When looking at your pet through inventory the ability description will be to the right of this icon: Pet Ability Icon.png
With each and every pet comes with abilities. The pet ability is obtained once the pet reaches Fledgling tier.
Click Here to see the full list!